Draftsmans - Max Warnings (8 Warnings reached)

Discord Username: draftst#2734
Ban reason: Max Warnings (8 Warnings reached)
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

After posting a meme in general I was warned, then manually banned. (I had seven warnings before, this is when I was still quite new to the SS Discord Type, aka not used to this type of moderation.

Reason the ban should be removed

I’ve changed my behavior to fit the moderation style of most SS Discords. I’m going to admit fault for not changing my behavior after the 3rd warn. I apologize for my disregard of the rules and lack of behavior change. I now seek to rejoin the Discord to rejoin the community. I love playing SS and I want to know updates and related information.

Alternate Accounts


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You have had an outstanding amount of warnings on the discord to where you were banned for having so many. You were given multiple warnings and yet you continued to break server rules.

With that said, the moderation team has decided to give you a second chance. Please show us that you have changed as you state you have.

Ban has been uplifted.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending