Hello there, you’ve accumulated many notes in less than a month. Four notes demonstrates similar behavior. They are as follows:
17/02/2023 - You quit as a security officer for no real reason and refused to hand over your security gear.
21/02/2023 - As a HoS, you made an announcement authorizing security to perform ‘beatdowns’ to ‘stop at nothing to find syndies’, which led to a deathsquad being called. In an AHELP relay, you demonstrate seemingly oblivious behavior on why the deathsquad was called until the admin pointed out the obvious reason.
23/02/2023 - As a HoP, you tried to get the station code epsilon’d twice in a row, which led to being bwoinked by an admin. A particular message stuck out to me, where you mentioned that ‘it’s been the same pattern in lizards den is too do your job and have fun but as soon as it hits halfway, command starts dying and going full shitter’
02/03/2023 - During an admin event (approved after server vote), chemistry lost their dispensers and were instead forced to mix chemicals themselves. You, as a CMO, called for a strike after 20 minutes because medical ‘didn’t have anything to do without chemistry’.
These notes seem to indicate that you have a tendency to subvert our policies on command/security whenever you feel things are either not going your way or whenever you are feeling bored. Could you provide us with your perspective?