Engineer_main - Banned for not securing contraband properly

Username: Engineer_main

Banned Roles: Command

Ban reason: N/A
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I am writing to explain the events that led to my recent ban and respectfully request that you reconsider the decision. I fully understand the seriousness of my actions, but I believe there were some misunderstandings that I’d like to clarify.

The situation started with a series of insults from a clown towards me, calling me a “Shit CMO” repeatedly. I tried to stay in character and ignore it, but the clown continued the behavior into the next round. At that point, I made the decision to retaliate by injecting him with Chloral and ultimately killing him. I realize now that this was an overreaction, and I could have handled the situation much better.

While the clown’s actions were clearly disruptive and insulting, I admit that my response was excessive. Instead of escalating things to a lethal level, I should have involved Security or reported the behavior to an admin. I can see how my reaction may have been seen as a violation of server rules and the roleplaying experience, and I regret that I didn’t act in a more controlled and measured way.

After that incident, I took a Syndicate contraband item from a crew member who claimed to have found it in maintenance. I didn’t think to secure it properly, and I realize that as Captain, I should have locked it away immediately. I understand that this was a violation of server protocols, and I take full responsibility for not securing the contraband.

When the ban was issued, I was taken aback, especially since I had already made a conscious effort to avoid powergaming and focus more on the roleplay aspect. I’ve spent some time reflecting on my actions and have learned a great deal from this experience. I now understand that retaliation and contraband handling should have been done differently.

Reason the ban should be removed

I genuinely apologize for my actions during the round. I acknowledge that my behavior disrupted the experience for others, and I take full responsibility for that. I ask for a second chance to return to the server and demonstrate that I’ve learned from my mistakes. Moving forward, I’ll be more careful with my responses to in-game situations and ensure that I respect the server’s rules and the roleplaying environment.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Alternate Accounts


This appeal appears to be AI generated. This was verified both by the opinion of several admins and through the use of external tools.

Pursuant to the appeals policy, this appeal is denied without further evaluation.

You may appeal again in 2 weeks.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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