This problem only seems to happen on wizden servers. Everything in game just stops moving. Looking at the debug info, CurTick keeps counting, while LastProcessed and LastRealTick stop counting. Pred increases until I reconnect.
Any suggestions? My internet connection seems fine. Compatibility mode made no difference
Specs if they’re useful:
Windows 11 Pro
Intel Core Ultra 7 265K
RTX 2080TI
All SSD storage
forewarning I don’t do anything for the project but Im decent with IT and network related debugging so I might be able to help seeing as no one else has had a solution.
It’s interesting how the game entirely ceases to function but doesn’t disconnect you so I’m still going to need more information.
Next time it happens relay some more of the debug information for me, at the top of the debug screen there is a red section with network information:
Are UP, DOWN and PING still changing?
What is the range PING is moving between?
Back in the green section is SERVERTIME still increasing?
A screenshot of the debug screen when this occurs would be very very very helpful as well as the following information above. As it stands it almost sounds like a rendering issue, at the same time it also seems like the server stops communicating hence the difference with ticks so without more information its hard to narrow it down further.
I’ll do you one better. I managed to get a recording of it!
Also had Wireshark running and was still sending and receiving UDP packets. Interestingly, an admin called a vote while this was going on and that came through
Okay so definitely not a network issue. This just kinda reinforces my first thoughts of a rendering issue going on, It’s not entirely all that weird that it only happens on Wizden servers as my understanding is SS14 servers can vastly differ with code and libraries used.
Are you on the lastest windows update?
Are your graphic drivers all up-to-date?
Are you overclocking?
Are your extras all up-to-date such as;
DotNet Runtime?
Microsoft webview?
My understanding of the last two is that they are required components for SS14-Wizden but the installer should install them automatically with the game, sometimes errors happen and they may not update or install properly.
Also maybe remove the wireshark part of the vid, we don’t want everyone seeing your IP!!!
Another question, has this always happened on Wizden or is this a new issue for you?
Another two options in the launcher which might help below compat mode are, Clear installed Engines and Clear installed server content, these options will force your game to re-download the server items. These options are at the very bottom of your launcher options.
Windows and graphics are up to date. No overclock. Extras up to date. DotNet is at 8.0.7. roughly 6 months out of date. Downloading 9.0.1 now. I haven’t heard of webview.
I should’ve mentioned that I already cleared the engine and server content. I took a long break from ss14 so I’m not sure when it happened. It definitely happened on my last computer build as well as my tablet. Perhaps the reason it doesn’t happen on other servers is because things don’t get as crazy as wizden. The only other servers I play on is frontier and a locally hosted server for learning.
It kinda feels like the game just stops receiving data, no?
My ISP is kinda shit and this happens from time to time. Def. not twice per shift. But once ever 3-4 shifts at least.
It also happens with stuff like Steam, which can interrupt remote play (but doesn’t usually interrupt other online games too severely). It is like my ISP decides to stop listening to a specific address sometimes.
Could be related to my global IP changing like 4 times a day.
This is an interesting point. I was swinging away from a network issue due to the fact that their wireshark was still actively reporting packets IN/OUT, plus the point they made that the admin vote was still able to come through while the game just ceased reading ticks.
Is there a particular reason why you have wireshark running? I know WizDen doesn’t allow VPNs so i’m fairly certain you are not on one but as per the previous comment are you running any form of remote play/cloud gaming or tunnelling service and are you on your own home network?
Sorry I’m not helping much more, as I prefaced I don’t know much about SS14 internals, it would be helpful if we could get the advice of a maintainer here possibly.
I had it running to make sure I was still sending/receiving data. I’ve noticed I get a ton of UDP checksum errors when everything freezes. This can apparently be caused by the network card calculating it incorrectly. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be an option to disable it on my card.
I have parsec enabled for remote play, but I don’t use it for SS14
oh, an RDP! It’s possible parsec could be part of the issue but I wouldn’t put too much hope on it, you could try to disable parsec completely for a round and see if that helps at all (if you have not already)
The UDP checksum errors are interesting thou, to me that would imply something happened suddenly to cause your packets to become mis-matched or corrupted. Such as sudden network loss (which we have ruled out) or some kind of on-the-fly network change, while it’s possible it’s your network card erroring out I doubt it based on what else I have seen from your debug, unless it’s another program (such as parsec, or firewall) interrupting the data flow.
This issue started long before I installed Parsec. Tried disabling my firewall, and updating drivers. I’ve also played around with the MTU setting. Still happening! It’s worth noting that I’m on wifi. Getting ethernet to my office would be quite a project in this old house.
Try having some constant stream of something running elsewhere.
IE a discord music stream and see if it happens to other applications also as it might be network hardware like router, modem, ont.
Network hardware shouldn’t be failing in a singular explicit case such as only on WizDen servers while frontier servers work fine, additionally based on the debug/wireshark information we can almost certainly rule out absolute connection failure as their ping and up/down streams remain constant, their connection to the server isn’t interrupted and they remain connected throughout this issue.
Based on their statement that while this issue was happening they received an admin vote, I really don’t even know what to think anymore. I really feel like this /has/ to be some form of rendering/graphics issue but then, they also have UDP checksum errors happening, overall thou the checksum errors shouldn’t be impacting the game to that much of a degree, if the packets are received incorrectly the server will just send more to correct it, resulting in lag and ping spikes at most.
Are you having continual checksum errors on wireshark while the game is running fine or do they only start when everything freezes up? And if so: does every packet result in a continuing error while frozen or do some come through fine?
I get some random UDP errors while the game is playing normally. And then when it freezes, I get about 46 good packets and then a bad packet. The pattern of that continues until I disconnect