Favourite Syndie Strats?

Being a good Agent takes some serious work! What are everyone’s favourite tips and Tricks for being a Successful agent?

I myself and Partial towards a hitman Route, My Kit usually includes:

  • Cryptographic Sequencer - 8tc
  • Agent ID - 3-4tc? (Perhaps the most Underrated Item)
  • Rest of TC is spent on weapons or Bombs, depending on what I need.

Typically I disguise myself and use the Agent ID to Make a new Identity and Job to complete my tasks and move around the station undetected, if possible I like to hack into the bridge and grab a copy of the caps Access (if they leave the card) or Pull a cheeky assassination if that isn’t possible. As long as your true name is never revealed it makes it incredibly difficult for Sec to find you!

I have previously had games where Sec have been looking for 4-5 different people/identities, all of which were me.

For as fun as it is, I have for sure seen some more Effective tactics and would be really interested to hear what you all get up to!

Get on the station, huff zombie virus, profit


I ask very very nicely because I am a good nanotrasen employee

On 9/13/2022 at 7:49 AM, Foxx said:

I ask very very nicely because I am a good nanotrasen employee

I have Found Sec tend to slaughter me if I do that


I have been slaughtered for asking if I can have the CE’s boots

honestly I get chameleon and agent id or vocal mask and all of a sudden sec cant chase me and If I get a partner I get a cryptographic sequencer and I can end up just turning a corner and when sec gets there all of a sudden someone else is there its funny to see a crew member kill them and all of a sudden I am them

My favorite strat is buying my gear and then being murdered by a clown because I walked around his banana peel.

Straight up C4. The most difficult part is getting a remote signaler, once you do, it’s as easy as throwing it into a toolbox, placing it daintly next to your target, walking away and pushing a button. As an added bonus, if you have chem/sci access, you can rig up the signaler to a smoke bomb. Once your C4 hits, your smoke bomb detonates, you’re free to walk up and loot as you please and walk away just as easily.