Add a light to the captain hardsuit. Everyone has a light, even the basic hs, but not the captain, its really annoying
Allow ghosts to “strip” live people and _ check the computers _, sometimes its very hard to understand whats going on. If you fear the “metagaming” with ghosts you can allow “stripping” as ghost only when you cant return to your body.
Some spider/clownspider/slime abilities to open/destroy/etc doors or just anything to speed up the gameplay with em
Behonker event, or maybe nerf him a little and make him summonable by clown syndies for 20tc or something, he is in the game and ive seen him only once, which is sad.
Stop practice laser guns etc blowing up in clowny’s hands
Make the announcement consoles in the evac shuttle and maybe even centcomm work finally
This all may sound like me being shitty and grumpy, but I believe some of that stuff can actually improve players’ overall experience
Allow ghosts to “strip” live people and _ check the computers _,
And read paper!
22 hours ago, thepoisonedlocust said:
Behonker event, or maybe nerf him a little and make him summonable by clown syndies for 20tc or something, he is in the game and ive seen him only once, which is sad.
I think it’s nice to have things that are ultra rare. Makes it special when they do pop up.
I think it’s nice to have things that are ultra rare. Makes it special when they do pop up.
Yeah, paper too. About the behonker, he isnt “rare”, he is just spawned by admemes. It would be nice to make him just a rare event at least, or maybe a ninja summonable, just spawnable in any non-admeme way.
How much do you want that to happen? I can’t be bothered to do it, but if you can try running and modifying a local server, there’s these two files in the source code:
" - type: MovementSpeedModifier
weightlessAcceleration: 1.5 # Move around more easily in space.
weightlessFriction: 1
weightlessModifier: 1"
I think that, if you copy that part into the second file, and it’ll give Remilia moth-like-no-grav flying powers. If it works, all you have to do is a pull request.