Firelock hacking

In an attempt of me not having to worry about fighting in a pr about this, I will instead defer whether firelocks should be hackable to this topic.

Currently firelocks cannot be hacked.
Despite this, the fire remote atmos has access to can open it, bolt it, and put it on emergency access. The 2 latter functions cannot be overriden without the remote, and bolting makes it impossible for a firelock to open or close without any counter play.

So there are 2 options:

  1. Remove the fire remote and the ability for fire locks to be bolted, or put on emergency access.
  2. Allow firelocks to be hacked. Probably with less wires than normal airlocks.

Firelocks being hackable would grant an indirect buff to spacing, or other means to render an environment uninhabitable as forced open firelocks would not do anything to stop the vacuum of space, or plasma.

It will also allow players to more easily lock down public areas of the station.

Staying with firelocks being unhackable but boltable with a remote is unacceptable.

That is all for an introduction to the topic have fun.

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The issue with “hacking firelocks buffs spacing” is primarily from being able to bolt open firelocks, correct?

You could make firelocks automatically close when bolted, whether via remote or hacking. That allows you to still hack the door to open/close it, you just can’t force it to be open.

Doesn’t solve the “easier to block hallways” thing but it’s something.

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any door remote in the game can unbolt firelocks not just atmos

personally i think firelocks should just be removed but they should have wires regardless to be consistent with most of the rest of the game that does

If you can bolt a door, you need a way to hack it (regardless of firelock or not)

Not all, remotes have been changed to NOT inherit ID access.

I think right now atmos and maybe CE remotes are the only ones that work in firelocks.

I feel like it might be a good idea to make them hackable but since they’re effectively a security feature, add the metal plate highsec doors have or some other time waster to make it more difficult to hack them en-masse.

Honestly, I would just remove the ability to bolt/unbolt firelocks.

Most of the time you can just bolt the underlying glass airlock/windoor/whatever.

I believe fire locks are meant to have wires, the ui pops up when you unscrew them, it just seems they never got programmed in.

Door remotes bolting fire locks really can’t be removed… you have no idea how many times I’ve forgotten to lock one lock and the surrounding 10 rooms got flooded with hot gas because a tider decided that the hall full of hot gas is the room they NEEDED to be in at that moment.

From my reading of the problem, it’s that:

  • Firelocks are too annoying to get past as a normal crewmember
  • Firelocks get opened too often even with warning lights on

Which means to me that:

  • The severity of the conditions on the other side of the firelock are not indicated well enough

So for atmos techs and engineers:

  • Firelock remotes are used to solve the problem of firelocks being opened into dangerous conditions

To solve this:

  • Warning lights should show severity
  • Warning lights should show type of danger
    • What colors should this be?
  • Examine should show temperature and pressure

The firelocks already take a decently long do-after to open without the required access, so I don’t think there needs to be any changes there.

Also maintenance doors should probably also have a warning light.

light colors:

  • green: safe, airlock was activated just because someone pressed the airlock button randomly or atmos/engi finished they job already and nobody opened the door yet.

  • blue: still safe, but is a warning at beyond that door there may be minor temperature and/or air issues (sleep gas on the hall or minor n2/o2 issues).

  • yellow: not safe, the room beyond the door is either cold enough for kill people, lacks enough oxy and/or n2 for support life (or haves “average” dangerous gases like high concentrations of water vapor, tritium and/or freezon) or is straight up spaced.

  • red: death inside, the room is heated up enough for kill if not turn into ash whoever even opens the door and/or the room haves plasma inside at may combust into plasma fire at any moment, at this point the airlocks may need to be id locked so only engis can open it.

  • dark green: safe? Weh gas inside, you no need to know more.

Well looks like for the time being this has been resolved with the following outcome: remove firefighting remote and bolting firelocks by EmoGarbage404 · Pull Request #28330 · space-wizards/space-station-14 · GitHub

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