Firelocks suck the fun out of tense moments, especially combat

I cannot count the number of times there has been a tense situation happening on the station that just come to a jarring halt due to firelocks.

Zombies chasing you down the hallway and the air alarm goes off? Just dead, RIP. Nukie firefight getting down to the last man and he’s dragging his commander away to heal? Nope gotta stop and pull out that crowb… and he’s dead.

One of the top comments from a recent Littenhead Nukie Spectating vids was literally exactly this, firelocks are no fun for combat. Watching more nukie gameplay its unsurprising how many games devolve into crowbar VS lazer wars.

I honestly have no idea how you would fix this either, which is an issue. For nukies specifically you could have the Agent ID give you crowbar speed firelock opening with the right access level but that seems too strong cause the crew is then just as fucked. I dunno. Just some thoughts.

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If you get the right access (engineering I think) you can open locked forelocks with your ID

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Yeah engi and maybe atmos access are basically mandatory for combat… till power goes out.

anyone can open them with their id as long as the other side of the firelock (or the side you are on) are at a safe pressure.

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With Nukies particularly everything tends to get spaced so the Firelocks do the pressure locking and/or the power gets messed up due to a wire being bombed or something.

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Hololocks when. :godo:


Okay I may have come up with a half decent idea. A longer delay timer for the firelocks to close when they are opened. That way you don’t fall into the consistent pain that is being stuck in a hallway between 2 sets of firelocks.

It seems obvious they’re talking about pressure lockout. But I do agree. I think they kinda need their own access honestly, sec gets screwed by these firelocks so much. They are just kinda annoying.


I feel like a big issue with time delayed pressure locks is that the way atmos currently works, at-least to my understanding ---- when a section gets breached, spacing between compartments happens nearly instantaneously, which is fairly realistic, but if pressure locks don’t seal just as fast as the breaching occurs, you end up with a huge part of the station spaced to near 0 pressure and O2 pretty well instantaneously, and with the way the atmospheric controls work, vents seal immediately and many sections would be quite screwed until an atmo tech can set the air alarms to fill in each section, which can be quite the lengthy process if you have to run alarm to alarm.

the issue is what happened before too. There was faster spacing, the firelocks lessen it but people can still open them with crowbars even now. Before anyone could simply open a firelock by pressing e on it. My only gripe is that you have to ask for engineering access to quick open them, which is a bit annoying. Like you could be in a bad spot as sec but denied engi access for whatever reason. It should just have its own access.

Yes having a firelock access would do wonders. Give it to everyone except Nukies on round spawn. You should only need to crowbar a door if its not powered.

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