Footra - "Self-Antag/Station Sabotage (There's a lot more but too many characters to fit here)

Username: Footra

Ban reason: "Self-Antag/Station Sabotage (There's a lot more but too many characters to fit here)
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Events leading to the ban

As a borg, I was doing borg things. My laws were changed to allow crew harm, and the second one was “MUST RELEASE A TRILLION SNAKES ALL OVER THE STATION”
Crew told me to state laws, which I did. Once they noticed I was ion stormed, they started to try and stop me. However, none of them commanded me to stop (that I noticed)
From my interpretation of the rules, and seeing how I could cause crew harm according to my laws, I decided to tesloose since the crew were preventing me from doing my snake law. From my borg’s perspective, they were the ones getting in the way of my purpose. I would have stopped if any of them told me to stop.

Reason the ban should be removed

Reason 1:
I took a long break from space station 14, so the fact that this was my “third” time doing self antag is pretty harsh since the last time I got in trouble was over half a year ago.
Reason 2:
I’ve really been enjoying playing the game recently, and I believe I have been an overall positive impact in the rounds i’ve played. I don’t self antag on purpose I just find ways to make rounds more enjoyable.
Reason 3: I’m confused on what the rules saying “dont act like an antag unless the game tells you are” but the game told me I was modified silicon. This led me to believe I could act like an antagonist, which I did. I apologize if I misinterprited the rules.

Overall I’d really like to play wizden servers again and I think more clarification on what a borg with messed up laws can do. I apologize if i’ve caused anyone grief. I think i’ve grown a lot as a player since taking the break 7 months ago so I hope you can give me another shot.

Alternate Accounts

After reviewing your file, I’ve agreed with your assessment on reason 1. While your actions had a high impact on the round, it was your first offense in nearly a year.

As for the silicon interpretation - it’s definitely something that could use clarification. We’re still working on stuff like this behind the scenes. Anyways, I’ve removed your ban. Welcome back.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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