FrostyTFG - To be fair its been a long time, but i think i got into an argument with an admin

Discord Username: FrostyTheFloofGod
Ban reason: To be fair its been a long time, but i think i got into an argument with an admin
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

like what i said, it has been a long time, all i remember was arguing with someone then getting banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

i think the ban should be lifted is because i have been wanting to get back into ss14, and i love the community, and its hard for me to understand whats going on in the main community without being there, and its safe to say i will be nice there (that being if i talk at all), i apologize for whatever i was arguing about before, but im sure i will do better if the ban gets lifted

Alternate Accounts

You have a lengthy warn history ranging from mentioning inappropriate sites to explicit commentary among breaking other server rules. You also decided to be rather disrespectful to admins about the whitelist process and threw a fit when you blamed the death of your character in a game on the admin team.

With that said, the moderation team have decided to uplift your ban. However, know that with your history, there won’t be many chances on further issues caused. Please be mindful of what you say.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending