FungiFellow - Self Antag as Clown During War Ops

Ban reason: [“Self Antag as Clown, Messing with Crew when War-Ops was called, Overescalation by attacking HoS over a HonkBot”]

Length of ban: [12 hours]

Events leading to the ban: [I start shift and move to create 2 Honk-Bots, War-Ops gets called. I proceed to make the Honkbots since I had already prepared to do so. A few folks get slipped and I toss around a few Pies (Only Landing One). HoS proceeds to chase HonkBot all the way from Security to the front of Engineering attempting to break them. I warn HoS not to do so. HoS continues attacking Honkbot so I apply Hatchet. HoS Stuns me with rubbers and Proceeds to kill me instead of Cuffing leading to me Ahelping]

Reason the ban should be removed: [I feel that a Ban is too much for the offenses when I was already round removed for said behaviour, I attacked the HoS AFTER warning them a few times. Should other Admins rule against me I feel a Warning would have been more appropriate or a 24hr job ban from Clown]

The Huge Glass Maze built in the Hallway between Science and Cargo was more of a Hassle to the crew than myself.

those are for letting laser shots through but keeping nukies out

It was gone with 2 shots of a China Lake, and only served to hamper movement until it blocked those 2 shots from what I saw. It was an unneccesarily complex maze and could have been replaced with a pattern like this
Cargo Entrance

I asked in Admin questions since i was told that during My Ahelp that during War Ops you are only allowed to Clown on Nukies

Kayek- “Clowning is always allowed if you are the clown. Just as long as your clowning is not leading to peoples deaths, such as intentionally slipping or pieing someone fighting a nukie, or making peoples round hell”

This quote is in direct opposition to what I was told by the admin bwoinking me.

3 hours ago, FungiFellow said:

I asked in Admin questions since i was told that during My Ahelp that during War Ops you are only allowed to Clown on Nukies

Kayek- “Clowning is always allowed if you are the clown. Just as long as your clowning is not leading to peoples deaths, such as intentionally slipping or pieing someone fighting a nukie, or making peoples round hell”

This quote is in direct opposition to what I was told by the admin bwoinking me.

 **00:53:41** **OliverOtter:** During warops, the crew should follow what security says, and leave them to do their work/help out to defend the station.
 **00:54:02** **OliverOtter:** there is no time for pie’s and slips, except for pieing the nukies and such

All of my actions as clown had been before Nukies were reported on the station, I had not actively targeted anyone. HoS abandoned their post to Chase HonkBot 2 across the station instead of assisting to organize Security and Station Defense.

HonkBot 2 had not impeded the crew to any notable margin and this was an overreaction from the HoS.

When your say something like ‘so I apply Hatchet’ It just looks like your just trying to downplay that you initiated a lethal  fight with the HOS on a round state where both of you are known non-antags. Which looks like clear self-antag.

You quoted Kayek and have said it was in opposition of the aHelp which doesn’t sound correct at all. You literally attacked the HOS with a lethal weapon which sounds a lot like an action that would lead to peoples death.

This ban has already expired. And reviewing the details it looks like it was justified.
Appeal denied.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals