Game banned

SS14 account: stevietv123
Character name: Eric Davis
Type of Ban: game ban
Date of Ban and Duration: 9/29 2020 appeal only
Reason for Ban: " getting hop to promote user in active violation of job ban"
Server you were playing on when banned: lizard
Your side of the story: i got promoted to co cap and was banned what?
Why you think you should be unbanned:  because I’ve been promoted plenty of times to job’s and I’ve never been banned for it? is that even a rule? like he never told me that I couldn’t do it either he just watched and waited like as soon as I got my id I was banned also it wasn’t hop who promoted me it was captain?
Anything else we should know: 

Yes, getting another person to promote you to the role you were banned from is, in fact, against the rules. You are still banned from that role. You know this.

no one ever said that i couldent do that ive done it like 4 times and nobodys warned me nor said i cuouldent this one specific time im banned theough?


Just because nobody has caught you breaking the rules does not mean you were not breaking them.

Why would you think it’s okay to get promoted to a role that you’re banned from picking yourself? Please explain the logic here.

4 minutes ago, Stealth16 said:

Just because nobody has caught you breaking the rules does not mean you were not breaking them.


We did warn you, by banning you from that role

Hey StevieTV123,

Staff consensus is to  deny  this appeal. I think you should know that if we want to keep you out of command roles that it is not okay for you to get invited back into them through in-game means. Appeal again in a week (10/08/2022).

From Rejected to Ban Appeals