GoodtryXD - Admins words: ,,self-antagonisim, cuffing captain and stealing AA just to announce.''

Username: GoodtryXD

Ban reason: Admins words: ,,self-antagonisim, cuffing captain and stealing AA just to announce.''
Length of ban: Until I appeal.
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

So at the start of my Job to mid-round I did my janitorial duties, and the station was pretty clean. [I did have a Janitor buddy] So then a bit later into the round the station was calm, except for cargo which got a rock anomaly and science didn’t deal with, so I just started gathering stuff for a stun prod [Pretty sure that’s the name], then I watched as Hop had cap kidnapped, and Hos was chasing them [Not sure what was going on there, cap looked cuffed but I didn’t see fully], then I followed them into bridge, stayed there for a bit, talked with cap, he said he would let me announce, but I didn’t have command access so I couldn’t do it, then Hop came running out saying: ,Janitor help me’’ while pointing at cap, then Hop ran away. [Also I’m pretty sure Hos was stuck in Hop’s office] then I came next to the captain said: ,sorry cap …‘’ then preceded to stun him and cuff him, stole his comms and ID to make an announcement, saying that I hate security, did that, realized that it said: Announced by /Insert cap’s name here/
So then I stole his ID went to the ID terminal and gave my self AA, named my self: ,Head of Janitorial’', then announced I hate sec, let cap go, ran off Hop chasing me and slashing me to death, then I got a Admin messaging me, [By TurboTracker, no hate you were good], and I confessed. [There was no reason to lie he saw me do it] Got a TempBan, for self-antaging, cuffing cap and stole AA to announce [Twice].

Reason the ban should be removed

I waited three days, playing different game’s, thought about it, really dumb on my part, I did clearly know the rules, and Ill be a clean good Janitor, not one that kidnaps the stations head.
[Hope that works, I wanted to write something else besides that I’m really sorry and I wont do this ever again]
Anyways its up to you or you’s.

Alternate Accounts



For a bit of Extra info:
I was playing as Mike Schmit.
[also I still don’t know if that name is ok, correct me if I’m in the bad]

Its been twenty days… please game admins… do something…
And yeah I tried other ways, none of them worked… so check it out, Id be grateful.
Another day and it be three weeks…

its almost been forty days since the ban… like I understand the admins have life’s and things to do… but come on, its been thirty seven days exactly… also it doesn’t help that an admin already took my case, but he isn’t doing anything.

I am currently handling upwards of twelve appeals solo, including your own.
Each of these require me to investigate each incident leading to the ban, as well as any claims made.

I am doing this in my free time, as a volunteer, Giving up time I could be using to play games, see friends or partake in thing I enjoy. instead I am here dealing with numerous ban appeals.

Be patient, and have some respect for that fact please.

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Sorry if that sounded bad, its just that its been a while, goob is to low pop and I can’t play the game normally.

Yeah thanks for this, I’m grateful that you took time for this.

after placing this to a vote amongst the admin team, The team has reached a vote to reduce this ban to a duration of two weeks remaining from the time of this verdict.

the reasoning behind this is both Time served, and a pattern of behaviour.
Do note, future self antagonism bans will probably be far more likely to result in harder to remove bans.

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending