Username: GoodtryXD
Ban reason: Admins words: ,,self-antagonisim, cuffing captain and stealing AA just to announce.''
Length of ban: Until I appeal.
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
So at the start of my Job to mid-round I did my janitorial duties, and the station was pretty clean. [I did have a Janitor buddy] So then a bit later into the round the station was calm, except for cargo which got a rock anomaly and science didn’t deal with, so I just started gathering stuff for a stun prod [Pretty sure that’s the name], then I watched as Hop had cap kidnapped, and Hos was chasing them [Not sure what was going on there, cap looked cuffed but I didn’t see fully], then I followed them into bridge, stayed there for a bit, talked with cap, he said he would let me announce, but I didn’t have command access so I couldn’t do it, then Hop came running out saying: ,Janitor help me’’ while pointing at cap, then Hop ran away. [Also I’m pretty sure Hos was stuck in Hop’s office] then I came next to the captain said: ,sorry cap …‘’ then preceded to stun him and cuff him, stole his comms and ID to make an announcement, saying that I hate security, did that, realized that it said: Announced by /Insert cap’s name here/
So then I stole his ID went to the ID terminal and gave my self AA, named my self: ,Head of Janitorial’', then announced I hate sec, let cap go, ran off Hop chasing me and slashing me to death, then I got a Admin messaging me, [By TurboTracker, no hate you were good], and I confessed. [There was no reason to lie he saw me do it] Got a TempBan, for self-antaging, cuffing cap and stole AA to announce [Twice].
Reason the ban should be removed
I waited three days, playing different game’s, thought about it, really dumb on my part, I did clearly know the rules, and Ill be a clean good Janitor, not one that kidnaps the stations head.
[Hope that works, I wanted to write something else besides that I’m really sorry and I wont do this ever again]
Anyways its up to you or you’s.
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