Username: GoodtryXD
Ban reason: "Failure to understand that just because warnings/notes fall off after 6 months, that doesn't mean you can wait 6 months and continue to be a shitter.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
What I did wasn't against the rules.
Events leading to the ban
Well… its a bit of a doozy, so there was this round, it was like a serious and an admeme round, the admeme happened like mid-round, while playing I had found some clothes and a briefcase on the ground, i picked them up because it could of been evidence [they were chameleon.], took them to sec and talked a bit with Hos, we talked and agreed id go undercover, as a passenger to sniff out the syndies, it worked and i arrested a syndicate who bought a surplus in front of me, took them to sec, Hos processed him and put the surplus crate in armory, then red was called, we got new 's that there was one elite suit maybe more, but only one got confirmed, I picked up a jug suit out of the crate and put it on to try and blend in, Hos informed everyone I was the Jug and stuff, I even got shot to play the part, sadly after a while i never found the elite suit, i went back and put on a spare elite suit we had from a separate surplus, went with it for a bit before I saw it was getting me no where and put it back, blue got called and around here is where the admeme began, it was like Ian’s with e swords and guns or something, don’t know much about that then after the round ended I Ahelped because I thought that one of the syndies was a raider, my bad he wasn’t, then I ratted my self out, asking if what I did with the syndie contra was okay or not, the admin told me that no, it wasn’t, sort of her words: A single elite suit isn’t enough reason to use syndicate contra nor is a dragon. [couldn’t remember the exact speech]. Then she was willing to lower it to a 2month or two week sec/command ban since, I literally snitched on myself, but as we kept talking, she informed me that me waiting for warning notes to fall off, is against the rules and I can’t just wait for the six months to be over and continue my “shittery”. Then she told me I was going to get an indefinite game ban, the reason is in the title.
Reason the ban should be removed
Note: I don’t really understand why she used the words shitter, like compared to other’s like raider’s or just role abuser’s, I don’t think I really ruin the game, why yes I do have a long list of admin notes, most of them aren’t even that bad or are just stupid, like for example:
I was warned for EORG, this was a dumb round of rev’s where I began making flashlight bombs [i was a rev] I made one or two, tried to blow up QM with it, killed myself, then a random salvager just implanted me for no reason, the admin dismissed that as “helping sec in a moment of crisis”, so then I asked them if they could respawn me or take away the mind, because I was literally implanted not by a sec, while I wasn’t arrested. So then I was just talking with the admin about how dumb rev’s are, then a few minutes later I went to make some flashlight bombs out of spite, I asked the admin if it be okay for me to use my bombs at CC, they said no cus that’s, EORG ofc that’s fine, then I decided to stay on the station and blow myself up, alone in the dead station, later I found out I still got a warning for EORG.
I will admit some of my past warnings which are getting close to a year old were bad, but that was when I had like 60-180h played, still new and dumb, now I have 808h on the game, I know what I’m doing and I don’t do the same idiotic things like I used to aka RDM or just incompetence as a captain [I was still sorta new to cap and didn’t fully know what i was doing]
There were some iffy warns where I brandished an E-sword as Captain and threatened an annoying mime, but like I could of literally done the same with my saber, and I was never going to hurt the mime, even on how annoying they can get, but the reason I had an E-sword was because I had defended and killed a syndie who attacked me, and forgot to take the E-sword to armory, a few minutes after I brandished it out, I put it back into armory and I never used it to attack someone.
In my entire game time, I never raided or at least never had the intention of raiding, through out my vast gameplay I upheld the rules, all of my hours are scattered around every job, I help people and inform them of common game stuff, teaching chemist’s, nukies, even the most basic passenger’s so they don’t end up like I was just RDM, not knowing the game.
As Hos I keep trying to teach secoff’s and warden’s about spacelaw since almost 80% of the time, they are abusing it in many ways either just being an ass and charging the maximum for barely stepping into security, or implanting everyone with mindshields. [Which is against spacelaw, they say it needs to be a PRISONER, to be subjected to mindshielding.]
Anyway, I’m just rambling on, I’m going to end it with a short message, I really, really like SS14, if the 808h wasn’t enough proof.
Last note: I know this is my second ban, well my second game ban, first one was a permanent one which got reduced and now this is my second, I know that its almost a 99% chance of you guys just saying: No you were given your second chance and ended up back into the ban list. But at least consider it for a while, a month, two three, just don’t instantly shoot it down because its my third chance.
If you still believe that I’m a no good shitter that doesn’t respect the rules, then fine keep the indefinite ban.