GoodtryXD - "Failure to understand that just because warnings/notes fall off after 6 months, that doesn't mean you can wait 6 months and continue to be a shitter

Username: GoodtryXD

Ban reason: "Failure to understand that just because warnings/notes fall off after 6 months, that doesn't mean you can wait 6 months and continue to be a shitter.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
What I did wasn't against the rules.

Events leading to the ban

Well… its a bit of a doozy, so there was this round, it was like a serious and an admeme round, the admeme happened like mid-round, while playing I had found some clothes and a briefcase on the ground, i picked them up because it could of been evidence [they were chameleon.], took them to sec and talked a bit with Hos, we talked and agreed id go undercover, as a passenger to sniff out the syndies, it worked and i arrested a syndicate who bought a surplus in front of me, took them to sec, Hos processed him and put the surplus crate in armory, then red was called, we got new 's that there was one elite suit maybe more, but only one got confirmed, I picked up a jug suit out of the crate and put it on to try and blend in, Hos informed everyone I was the Jug and stuff, I even got shot to play the part, sadly after a while i never found the elite suit, i went back and put on a spare elite suit we had from a separate surplus, went with it for a bit before I saw it was getting me no where and put it back, blue got called and around here is where the admeme began, it was like Ian’s with e swords and guns or something, don’t know much about that then after the round ended I Ahelped because I thought that one of the syndies was a raider, my bad he wasn’t, then I ratted my self out, asking if what I did with the syndie contra was okay or not, the admin told me that no, it wasn’t, sort of her words: A single elite suit isn’t enough reason to use syndicate contra nor is a dragon. [couldn’t remember the exact speech]. Then she was willing to lower it to a 2month or two week sec/command ban since, I literally snitched on myself, but as we kept talking, she informed me that me waiting for warning notes to fall off, is against the rules and I can’t just wait for the six months to be over and continue my “shittery”. Then she told me I was going to get an indefinite game ban, the reason is in the title.

Reason the ban should be removed

Note: I don’t really understand why she used the words shitter, like compared to other’s like raider’s or just role abuser’s, I don’t think I really ruin the game, why yes I do have a long list of admin notes, most of them aren’t even that bad or are just stupid, like for example:

I was warned for EORG, this was a dumb round of rev’s where I began making flashlight bombs [i was a rev] I made one or two, tried to blow up QM with it, killed myself, then a random salvager just implanted me for no reason, the admin dismissed that as “helping sec in a moment of crisis”, so then I asked them if they could respawn me or take away the mind, because I was literally implanted not by a sec, while I wasn’t arrested. So then I was just talking with the admin about how dumb rev’s are, then a few minutes later I went to make some flashlight bombs out of spite, I asked the admin if it be okay for me to use my bombs at CC, they said no cus that’s, EORG ofc that’s fine, then I decided to stay on the station and blow myself up, alone in the dead station, later I found out I still got a warning for EORG.

I will admit some of my past warnings which are getting close to a year old were bad, but that was when I had like 60-180h played, still new and dumb, now I have 808h on the game, I know what I’m doing and I don’t do the same idiotic things like I used to aka RDM or just incompetence as a captain [I was still sorta new to cap and didn’t fully know what i was doing]

There were some iffy warns where I brandished an E-sword as Captain and threatened an annoying mime, but like I could of literally done the same with my saber, and I was never going to hurt the mime, even on how annoying they can get, but the reason I had an E-sword was because I had defended and killed a syndie who attacked me, and forgot to take the E-sword to armory, a few minutes after I brandished it out, I put it back into armory and I never used it to attack someone.

In my entire game time, I never raided or at least never had the intention of raiding, through out my vast gameplay I upheld the rules, all of my hours are scattered around every job, I help people and inform them of common game stuff, teaching chemist’s, nukies, even the most basic passenger’s so they don’t end up like I was just RDM, not knowing the game.

As Hos I keep trying to teach secoff’s and warden’s about spacelaw since almost 80% of the time, they are abusing it in many ways either just being an ass and charging the maximum for barely stepping into security, or implanting everyone with mindshields. [Which is against spacelaw, they say it needs to be a PRISONER, to be subjected to mindshielding.]

Anyway, I’m just rambling on, I’m going to end it with a short message, I really, really like SS14, if the 808h wasn’t enough proof.

Last note: I know this is my second ban, well my second game ban, first one was a permanent one which got reduced and now this is my second, I know that its almost a 99% chance of you guys just saying: No you were given your second chance and ended up back into the ban list. But at least consider it for a while, a month, two three, just don’t instantly shoot it down because its my third chance.

If you still believe that I’m a no good shitter that doesn’t respect the rules, then fine keep the indefinite ban.

Alternate Accounts

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Also to further proof that this Indef gameban is unfair, I looked over the Wizden banning policy which took me a bit to find, but in it the only offenses that are Indef gameban’s are:

Sexual content;
“R###rd” and variants;
Slurs, excluding “r###rd” and variants;
Harassing staff through the game;
Solely non-english chat;
Under 16;
Antagonist team sabotage;

No where in the rules is there a rule named:
[“Failure to understand that just because warnings/notes fall off after 6 months, that doesn’t mean you can wait 6 months and continue to be a shitter.]
which I’m not, I’ll never be a shitter.


I literally ratted my self out aka self-report, and I tried to even clarify that my use of syndicate contra at least the second use was against what I believed to be an extreme threat.

[The threat being an elite suit, possibly lone op or syndie or nukies who knew? But the admin said nuh uh that doesn’t justify my use of syndicate contra.]

I already asked for this rule to be clarified because it makes no sense.

Plus this would be fine and understandable if my ban was one within the rules, but also as the first picture clearly says Self-reports and Valid rule clarifications are reduced to warnings, the admin herself even told me that if I wouldn’t of said anything she wouldn’t of seen it, and I’m saying this because I’m one hundred percent sure, and the admins can even pull up the Ahelp chat and see that the admin said something along those words.

Also thanks Admiral for taking me ban request. Take your time.

After discussing with the other admins and holding the required vote, the admin team has near unanimously decided to upgrade this ban to a voucher for the reason stated in the original ban. I can provide the linked ahelps behind this reasoning if you give permission to post them here in this thread.

For these reasons, the admin team has decided to upgrade this ban to a voucher ban. You may appeal your ban, but only at least 6 months from now, and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server.

A voucher of good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server’s admin-help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14’s Wizard’s Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

Sure, you can post, but I’d still like to know why I got a voucher ban, this too seems a bit much, like I’m still confused on why I even got an indef ban and why the ban is still technically here in the form of a voucher ban, like the admins own words were that she was going to reduce my use of syndie contra to a Roleban for like a week I believe and that was it, but then I got an Indef and now it turned into a Voucher ban? Its not that I’m ungrateful its just this seems like a huge jump, from a Roleban to an indef and then a slight downgrade to a voucher. Id like more information on this.

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This conversation specifically is what most admins cited, and as a result they don’t believe you intend to follow the rules as long as a sufficient gap in time is done between rulebreaks.

Alright that I do see as a sort of problem, but to be honest I usually never break rules, and even when I do or when I think I did I always try to ask admins or clear it up, you took only one part of the messages which do make me look like a shitter, but the only reason I was you know acting so weird was because we literally had gotten an admeme which involved corgi’s with lethal weapons, it was funny plus for you guys which I assume you are most Americans it was around 7-11PM while for me, it was literally three in the morning so that’s why I had such a laid back attituded. Now onto the main issue, I do follow the rules and I never intentionally break them I know most of the rules like the back of my hand, just not the complete finer parts, but I do know them, I know that through out my long, long time om SS14 I’ve got a few or many notes, yes a good bit of them were from way long ago when I was still new and stuff, my latest notes were literally just random acts which never led to major annoyance, like the EORG for example, I literally just stayed back at the station and blew myself up after the end of round message, not killing anyone else just myself, I just talked it out with the admin.

So to sum everything up, yes I do intend to following the rules and no I do not plan on causing disturbances.

I’d also like for you to tell me if the admin team took a look at this somewhat latest message: GoodtryXD - "Failure to understand that just because warnings/notes fall off after 6 months, that doesn't mean you can wait 6 months and continue to be a shitter - #3 by GoodtryXD

Quick note:

I’d like you to reopen this ban appeal for discussion and debating, because I do not believe were done here, for now Ill be off since its literally 00:40AM for me, and I’ll be heading off to sleep, so please reopen this and tomorrow around 14:00 your time, ill be back on to continue our little discussion, thank you and goodnight.

Alright, It seems like an okay time to start discussing this ban.

So how I see it, you as in the admin team don’t seem to trust me as in you think Ill just go around and break rules at the minimum till the warnings fade and then start doing them again, right?

Well if that’s the case I can tell you its nae from me, this might not be enough proof or it might not even count as proof, but my behaviour on the server hasn’t and will never be me just going around causing trouble then stopping, then starting again, as I said:

My interactions with the admin team have mostly been positive besides some old Ahelps from like a couple months ago when I was new, they were bad I do admit that, and I was banned and rolebanned for my transgression’s, but I have stopped doing them, besides one instant of me starting cargonia at evac, but I did get a roleban for two weeks I believe and I haven’t really done anything drastic since then, and I didn’t plan on doing anything like that, but then well this happened.

Now to the rules and reason for this ban: This is how I see it, since there isn’t such a rule as [“Failure to understand that just because warnings/notes fall off after 6 months, that doesn’t mean you can wait 6 months and continue to be a shitter.] The admin banned me outside of the guidelines, and they’re justification for it being I’m a no good shitter that would probably continue shitting around and annoying the people in the server/game.

That is understandable, but completely untrue, and now after a discussion, the admin team as you so told me, have decided to downgrade this indefban to a voucher ban, which of course is something, better that than then indef, but still it seems like overkill, my offense was just using syndicate contra as a secoff, that’s understandable and I was okay with the initial roleban for a week I believe, since of course security and command are held to a higher standard, but one thing that really confused me, even though I used syndicate contra I was allowed by Hos, which of course she couldn’t have done, maybe she was new to Hos I don’t really know, but how can a Roleban turn into an Indefban because of a few words, which were not racial slurs or anything, just a few words.

Id also like to point out I literally Self reported myself, which you the admin team can confirm by checking the very first message’s of the Ahelp, which I do allow you to post in this forum discussion.

Hi. I’m the banning admin, and while I am not processing your appeal, I would like to clear up a few misunderstandings:

You’re right. We don’t. Since you already said you are okay with us showing the ahelp, allow me to show the section right before Admiral’s prior screenshot, which will provide some additional context:

As you can see, I was more than willing to make this a lesser punishment, even asking if you were going to follow the rules, and you said, rather clearly:

“ill calm down for the… uh next three or six [months]”

This indicates you clearly knew you were breaking rules, and had every intention of breaking them once your warnings fell off. Just because you “self-reported” doesn’t mean you instantly get forgiven for your actions. A self-report is for a legitimate mistake, not a “get out of jail free” card. Allow me to highlight the part of the modifier you seem to have missed:


Just because you report yourself doesn’t mean others haven’t, didn’t, wouldn’t, etc. I took this into account when considering what your offense was. Your particular offense was likely to have been noticed and reported.

Since you also seem to like to quote our banning policy, allow me to highlight the rulebreak related to this one:

On top of that, as I pointed out above, there was also:

This already comes with a 7-day roleban, but since you had expressed a disregard for the rules as a whole, and an indication that your actions would spread towards more than just security, I exercised the following parts of the banning policy:

Therefore, I converted your now 3-week roleban into an indefinite game ban, as per our banning policy:

I hope this clears up any lingering confusion.

Also, for the record, my pronouns are he/they

Alright, I’m going to just be straight forward with you, yes I did know that what I did was mostly against the rules but again I did have some form of reason for why I did that, such as using Syndicate contraband against a lone op I think, but now I figured out that the only reason a command member or secoff should use syndicate contraband is in a quick life or death situation, that I understand now, for my other use of contra it was only chameleon which the Hos did allow me to use for undercover, I also found out that Hos cannot and captain can not give permission for syndicate level contraband, only CC that I get now, so most of these were of course against the rules but not without a bit of reason behind those actions, as for this sentence:

First, if you pulled up the begging of that chat the first few parts of it would say something random about what I thought was a griefer, but as you go lower, I wont quote you, but you did say something along the lines of: If you wouldn’t of mentioned it I wouldn’t of even known. Now, my actions weren’t shittery, it was just use of chameleon clothing, a jug suit and an elite, which were not used in combat against any antag nor was I trying to get an advantage on them, I was merely trying to blend in per the undercover role I had, which now I know was fully against the rules since Hos can not give permission for syndicate level gear.

Now the only reason I acted so rude or just jokingly was because of two things, our begging chat messages were funny, the corgi’s using L6’s and E-swords on evac and the literal main reason It was late as fuck where I live so I had a laid back attituded.

Now to be honest, in that Ahelp I was really fucking out of it, as I’m reading it now I get it, I truly sounded like a shitter I guess, but again if you’d look over my bans, the early ones yes they are bad, and the cargonia one too, I’m not defending those, but the newer ones, they’re not like spiteful or even raider warnings, they’re just simple misunderstandings and just god awful sessions, apart from those I’m chill, I don’t go around antagonizing people nor do I try and annoy people.

Look I’ll be real with you admins, I do understand that my words were clearly bad, but they weren’t serious, I have literally no advantage or real purpose to keep breaking rules, and I never go around doing that, all I’m saying is, I had a late game and said some shit I shouldn’t of said, in no way do I want to break the rules.

Last word, no I didn’t fully know I was breaking the rules because that’s literally the main reason I asked if me using chameleon and jug suit with Hos’s permission and what I had believed to at the time to be a genuine threat was okay with you, then you had explained that nae, that’s why I kindly asked for the full Ahelp because then all of the context would be clear.

Also didn’t know you were a dude srry.

So this ban appeal is starting to get long and its not really going anywhere, so I ask of you, the admin team to take some more time, a week or two, to look over the new information of the post and revote this, because still In my eyes this seems still too harsh, and yes I do mean the voucher ban, so I ask again, please look over the entire Ahelp and this forum discussion, take your time of course and then get back to me with the final decision whatever it may be, also If one of you would be so kind as to post the entire Ahelp Id be grateful, just want to look over the entire thing and freshen up my memory, please and thank you.