Gracedbark - No message but the admin told me I have a problem being a aggressive cap shooting 1st asking questions later

Username: Gracedbark

Banned Roles: Captain

Ban reason: No message but the admin told me I have a problem being a aggressive cap shooting 1st asking questions later
Length of ban: A week
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

I really don’t understand the full reason why I was banned a lot happened that shift and it was hard to keep up as it was my 1st game back on that day and idk I was aggressive but I didn’t think it would result the way it did

Reason the ban should be removed

As I do sometimes act quick and shoot 1st. To be honest i had a few bad shifts of me getting gibbed and I was a bit paranoid of people getting close with guns. Which happened and I was very weary of of threats and sometimes I was right to shoot 1st but I feel my ban was fair I would like a reduction I apologize I’m planning to take a break from cap regardless as it a bit stressful lately I would like y’all take me into consideration tho plz

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