Grapeman7331 - The ban reason is: "ERP : playing thruth or dare in bar with some very adult roleplay about kissing"

Username: Grapeman7331

Ban reason: The ban reason is: "ERP : playing thruth or dare in bar with some very adult roleplay about kissing"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

So, me and some friends were just messing about killing time at the bar. and one of us suggested a simple game of truth or dare.
To summarize, one dare got put out to for one to kiss the other on the cheek. We didn’t think much of it. just a simple way to IC embarrass another and nothing more. We were probably going to leave it at that but seeing as it got me and i can only imagine the others banned, it’s now became an issue.

Reason the ban should be removed

I for one was not aware that something like a kiss on the cheek could be considered “ERP”. not arguing it’s completely invalid, i just did not expect the rules to be strict enough on that and that’s my mistake. That, or i am misunderstanding and it’s not the kissing that was bad but the wording used based on what Samuka told me. Eitherway, i would love further clarification so i don’t fall in the same pit again. (assuming i get unbanned.)

Should anyone who was made uncomfortable by this or a friend of said person(s) happen to see this appeal, i would like to forward my apology. nobody should be made to feel uncomfortable during a simple game.

Alternate Accounts


I forgot to mention or clarify that i was not the one to suggest a kiss on the cheek nor was i the one to do it. I was mostly teasing them over it. and i was kinda swallowed into the ban aswell from my perspective (again, i don’t have a lot of info to go off of since i was banned with no warning or chance to defend myself.)

Removing the ban in under the same reason as the associated ban. Have also talked to the appealant about this ban.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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