Username: GreaseMan
Ban reason: Ban reason: "Admitted to just wanting to murder innocent people."
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Events leading to the ban
I was a Security Cadet half an hour before i executed myself because i wanted to play as a ghost. I picked a ghost role as a chef and spawned in next to a crewmate who i tried to inject with inaprovaline, because i wanted to see what it would do. He tried to walk away to cancel the action. I pulled out a chef knife to stab him and tried to murder him. I was then hit with a baseball bat by that crew member and went into Critical Damage and got sent to the hospital. When i was revived i got sent to the waiting room in security and got questioned by an admin in the admin menu for what actually happened because i was lying to the Security Detective about the events leading up to it and said that he hit me first as an attempt to get released. When the admin was talking to me I told him the actual events of what happened because I had not read the rules and did not know that Self Antagonization was illegal and would result in a ban because I was ignorant and did not read the server rules. This is the first time I had tried to do something like this to this extent. The admin then said “Yeah appeal in the forums” or something along those lines and I was then promptly banned.
Reason the ban should be removed
I now understand the full weight of my decisions and I had not known beforehand how serious something like Self Antagging is. I am requesting that the Ban would not be indefinite but instead I should be temporarily banned for what i have done. I apologize for my actions and i promise not to do something like this again.
Alternate Accounts
I have 1 account GreaseMan My discord is Malgussy.