GrimGrove - Shock content; Salamander round 69959, while holding a C-20R from a nukie, said "YER ALL GETTIN' SCHOOL SHOOTERED"

Username: GrimGrove

Ban reason: Shock content; Salamander round 69959, while holding a C-20R from a nukie, said "YER ALL GETTIN' SCHOOL SHOOTERED"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

It was an early morning(GMT) round with low pop(20ish people I think?) and I was playing HoP. We got ambushed by a lone op Nukie blowing up sec and killing our only det. The nuke nearly blew us all up, all of command went down at least twice. The round was over, we were at CC and I still had the Nukie’s gun(armoury was blown and we were not sure if there were more) and it wasn’t even filled with bullets, only empty shells(Someone cleaned up the shells by putting them in the empty mags, I picked them up half for memes, half for intimidation against any sneaky nukies). A lot of sillies were happening, Captain and I were very chill even as skeleton broke in and took the taser. A cleanade slipped everyone. I said the above and started shooting but as said above, empty shells. Just spat them everywhere as I ‘shot’ the Captain, a borg, skeleton and some others. That was it.

Reason the ban should be removed

I will admit, perhaps I am dense or jaded or an edge lord but I hadn’t really considered the above ‘shock content’, at least in regards to how the rules are written. The examples are all related to ERP and so on, and the wording of shock content itself is ‘Things that appear to be intended to or are likely to disturb players out of character are considered shock content and are not allowed.’

I did not intend to shock anyone out of character, and I am sorry if I did. Again, might just be me being a dense edgelord. I am not trying to say I did nothing wrong, clearly I should be more careful with ‘edgy memes’ as it were. But I do think that a permanent ban is a bit much? A warning or even a temp ban seems a bit more fitting to me in a game with literal terrorists, shooters, cults, deadly drugs and more.

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Processing with trialmin

The processing trialmin has decided to close this appeal with the following message:

After reviewing your appeal we have decided to remove your ban

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Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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