Hamster Ball!

Idea : Hamster Balls!

The Hamster Ball is a medium (2x2) sized item that can be found in the Bridge, next to the Hamster Cage. The Hamster Ball can be entered by any small critter.

The Hamster Ball gives the critter inside a small boost to speed, but also makes them move as if in low-gravity. The Hamster Ball acts as an outer carapace, and can be destroyed with brute force.

The Hamster Ball does NOT have any internals, so in the event of spacing, Hamlet will need both internals equipped, and placed into the hamster ball before venturing out into the void.

Secondary Idea : Reinforced Hamster Ball
The Reinforced Hamster Ball is available with HAMPTR technology researched, and can be crafted at an autolathe for 2 glass and 1 steel. The Reinforced Hamster Ball will protect any small critter inside from spacing damage.

The purpose of the Hamster Ball is to act as a round-start way for Hamlet (or any small critters) to be protected from spacing. I thought about perhaps having a “reinforced hamster ball” instead to protect from spacing.

I know a little bit about coding, and i am pretty decent with spritework, but i haven’t the slightest clue what kind of programs SS14 uses. If anyone wants to let me know what they think or how to get started, i would appreciate it.