Hamster Ball!

Idea : Hamster Balls!

The Hamster Ball is a medium (2x2) sized item that can be found in the Bridge, next to the Hamster Cage. The Hamster Ball can be entered by any small critter.

The Hamster Ball gives the critter inside a small boost to speed, but also makes them move as if in low-gravity. The Hamster Ball acts as an outer carapace, and can be destroyed with brute force.

The Hamster Ball does NOT have any internals, so in the event of spacing, Hamlet will need both internals equipped, and placed into the hamster ball before venturing out into the void.

Secondary Idea : Reinforced Hamster Ball
The Reinforced Hamster Ball is available with HAMPTR technology researched, and can be crafted at an autolathe for 2 glass and 1 steel. The Reinforced Hamster Ball will protect any small critter inside from spacing damage.

The purpose of the Hamster Ball is to act as a round-start way for Hamlet (or any small critters) to be protected from spacing. I thought about perhaps having a “reinforced hamster ball” instead to protect from spacing.

I know a little bit about coding, and i am pretty decent with spritework, but i haven’t the slightest clue what kind of programs SS14 uses. If anyone wants to let me know what they think or how to get started, i would appreciate it.


Sounds interesting! Love the idea of a critter rolling around in a ball in space.
Would be fun if the so called reinforced hamster ball had thrusters that could be used to navigate in space.
The hamster ball could be a nice personal goal that a critter may wish to obtain. Wether its through finding one laying around in maintenance, or get handed one from a scientist. Would also be interesting to see critters commit grand theft auto against each other.

Here are some questions and potential things to consider:

  • Does it provide protection from attacks?
  • Can you attack while inside it?
  • Can you eat/drink while inside it?
  • Can it be destroyed?
  • Would a rat king, with a rat army rolling around in hamster balls be an issue or epic?
  • Would critter grand theft auto be fun or problematic based on balancing?
  • Can it roll beneath doors?
  • Would it be an unfair advantage for Hammy to start off with a hamster ball and not the other critters?
  • Can it be rigged by antagonists?
  • Can it be picked up by crew with a critter inside it?
  • What happens when you toss it? (physics similar to tossing a beach ball?)

Hamster balls are made out of plastic, so i would say like 15 brute should be enough to destroy it. Some have vents in them so i dont think they should act like a gas mask. No need to fiddle with low gravity since we’ve got rollerskates, which skips the need for creating unique movement. Hamlet isn’t really relevant to the gameplay without vim or critter mechs so letting him have SOMETHING doesn’t feel like a far stretch. Could he roll under doors? (considering its airlocks, not doors and he still can go underneath while on paws) I guess he could.