Username: Happyman442
Ban reason: Salamander 75804. ERP/Exploits. Various ERP emotes and a large amount of the round attributed to romantic engagement with thatguy915.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Events leading to the ban
During this round, an Admin decided to do an Admeme that included multiple cyborg corgis on round start and during the middle of the round. IC my character (Francis Fields) and thatguy915’s character (Gloose) are married. Thatguy915’s character is also horribly afraid of dogs.
Because of this fear of dogs, and the romantic relationship between our two characters, they find each other and offer a friend and consoling because of the fear the dogs were bringing. Because of the number of dogs, we tried to stay away and while we were trying to evade the dogs, enacted in normal roleplay, gave each other compliments, said things like, “I love you” and shared 1 not-exaggerated kiss on the cheek in maintenance.
A few minutes before evac was called, I was voluntarily OOC taught how to hide under tables.
Reason the ban should be removed
The ban should be removed or reduced because I was not entirely sure what was considered ERP. Because kissing is not explicitly stated as ERP, nor is it a sexual thing, I did not think to consider it to be ERP. Not only this, but there weren’t various ERP emotes and none of the emotes that were done could be considered erotic, as none of them were sexual.
As for, “a large amount of the round attributed to romantic engagement with thatguy915” because their character is afraid of dogs, I stayed with them for the entirety of the round and at any point an admin could have at the very least given us a warning to stop before it got to the point of a ban. I do understand that “No sexual content/themes, including erotic roleplay (ERP) and no shock content” is a zero-tolerance rule, but I still think that a warning would have sufficed early on into the round. Going on with this point, during the round the science department (that Thatguy915 was a scientist in) was almost entirely doing robotics to try and get brains for the robot corgis and considering that Gloose is afraid of dogs, and IC would have a very hard time working under these circumstances anyways I did not think it would count that much towards role abandonment either (because it was IC). I also believe that a lot of this time could potentially not be considered “romantic engagement” because most of the time spent was spent as a friend consoling another while they were having a hard shift.
The exploit part of the ban, which I assume was when I learned how to hide under tables OOC. I half-jokingly said “very useful” because it could be used for interesting roleplay potential (as it was being used for during the course of the round). I didn’t know that it would count as an exploit because it is something that could be completely done on accident and doesn’t really provide too much of an unfair advantage.