Hardsuit Balance

I’m curious what the communities thoughts on these possible hardsuit changes are.

Basic Hardsuit
-Blunt 10% → 25%
-Slash 10% -->25%
-Heat 0% ----> 25%
-piercing 10% -->25%
-caustic 10% -->25%
-Radiation 0%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 10% -->30%

-movement walk 20% slower
-movement run 20% slower → 25%

Mime/ Clown Hardsuit (Balancing it as an EVA since it costs an EVA to craft)
-Blunt 10%
-Slash 10%
-Heat 0% → 10%
-piercing 10%
-caustic 20% → 0%
-Radiation 0% → 70%
-Shock 0% → 20%
-Explosive 10% → 0%
-movement walk 10% slower
-movement run 10% slower

CE Hardsuit (Balanced around being both good at engineering and atmos)
-Blunt 20%
-Slash 20%
-Heat 60%
-piercing 20%
-caustic 30%
-Radiation 100%
-Shock 0% → 60%
-Explosive 80% → 50%
-movement walk 25% slower → 20%
-movement run 20% slower

Atmos Hardsuit
-Blunt 10% -->20%
-Slash 10% → 20%
-Heat 80%
-piercing 10% → 20%
-caustic 50%
-Radiation 50%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 50% -->30%
-movement walk 30% slower
-movement run 30% slower

Engineering Hardsuit (Gave better shock protection since It’s an important part of their job)
-Blunt 10% -->20%
-Slash 10% → 20%
-Heat 0% → 20%
-piercing 10% → 20%
-caustic 50% → 20%
-Radiation 80%
-Shock 20% -->70%
-Explosive 50% → 30%
-movement walk 30% slower
-movement run 30% slower

Maxim Hardsuit (A very rare suit that you will most likely not find with no slow debuff Quoted by Lead Devs as “endgame Armor”)
-Blunt 40% → 55%
-Slash 40% → 55%
-Heat 70% → 55%
-piercing 50% -->55%
-Caustic 0% → 55%
-Radiation 90% → 55%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 80% → 55%
-movement walk 0% slower
-movement run 0% slower

Luxury Mining Hardsuit (Upgraded Salv suit with more protection and faster movement speed, that is very expensive to purchase)
-Blunt 10% -->35%
-Slash 10% → 35%
-Heat 0% → 35%
-piercing 20% → 35%
-Caustic 20% -->35%
-Radiation 50%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 50% -->70%
-movement walk 15% slower
-movement run 15% slower

Salvage Hardsuit (Made the suit faster so they can get more loot from time based expeditions, and nerfed piercing prot)
-Blunt 30%
-Slash 30%
-Heat 30%
-piercing 50% → 30%
-Caustic 30%
-Radiation 70% → 50% (They have to deal with rad artifacts and bananium sometimes)
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 70%
-movement walk 25% slower → 15%
-movement run 25% slower → 15%

Spationaut Hardsuit (same stats as the Salvage Hardsuit)
-Blunt 30%
-Slash 30%
-Heat 30%
-piercing 50% → 30%
-Caustic 30%
-Radiation 70% → 50% (They have to deal with rad artifacts and bananium sometimes)
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 70%
-movement walk 25% slower → 15%
-movement run 25% slower → 15%

Brigmedic Hardsuit (is designed for being a healer instead of combat so people actually do the role)
-Blunt 20% -->20%
-Slash 20% → 20%
-Heat 0% -->20%
-piercing 30% → 20%
-Caustic 0% → 20%
-Radiation 0%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 0% → 30%
-movement walk 35% slower → 15%
-movement run 35% slower → 15%

Sec Hardsuit (added much needed heat prot)
-Blunt 40%
-Slash 40%
-Heat 0% → 30%
-piercing 40%
-Caustic 30%
-Radiation 0%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 60%
-movement walk 25% slower
-movement run 25% slower

Wardens Hardsuit (Wardens should have a heavily armored slow suit that keeps them in sec where they belong)
-Blunt 50%
-Slash 40% → 50%
-Heat 0% → 40%
-piercing 40% → 60%
-Caustic 30%
-Radiation 0%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 60%
-movement walk 30% slower
-movement run 30% slower → 40%

HOS Hardsuit (a better and faster sec hardsuit)
-Blunt 40%
-Slash 50% → 40%
-Heat 0% → 40%
-piercing 50%
-Caustic 40% → 30%
-Radiation 50% → 0%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 40% → 50%
-movement walk 20% slower
-movement run 20% slower

Captains Hardsuit (gave some shock and rad protection since cap should be able to do all of the heads jobs if they are not in shift)
-Blunt 20%
-Slash 20%
-Heat 50%
-piercing 40%
-Caustic 40%
-Radiation 50% → 80%
-Shock 0% → 30%
-Explosive 50%
-movement walk 20% slower
-movement run 20% slower

CMO Hardsuit (Designed to make those chem bombs not as bad)
-Blunt 0%
-Slash 0%
-Heat 0% -->30%
-piercing 0%
-Caustic 90%
-Radiation 0%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 0% → 30%
-movement walk 10% slower
-movement run 5% slower

Pirate EVA (Pirates should be designed for quick attacks where they get in and out with loot)
-Blunt 20% → 35%
-Slash 20% → 35%
-Heat 60% → 50%
-piercing 10% → 35%
-Caustic 25%
-Radiation 0%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 30%
-movement walk 40% slower → 5%
-movement run 40% slower → 5%

Pirate Captain (there is only one pirate captain and they would be able to afford a good hardsuit)
-Blunt 30% → 50%
-Slash 20% → 50%
-Heat 60%
-piercing 15% → 60%
-Caustic 25% -->30%
-Radiation 0%
-Shock 0%
-Explosive 40% → 50%
-movement walk 20% slower → 10%
-movement run 20% slower → 10%

Wizard Hardsuit (There is only 1 wizard at a time, and they should be extremely powerful so that they actually have a chance)
-Blunt 40% → 60%
-Slash 40% → 60%
-piercing 60% → 80%
-Heat 75% -->80%
-Caustic 25% → 80%
-Radiation 75% → 80%
-Explosive 50% → 70%
-movement walk 20% slower → 0%
-movement run 20% slower → 0%

Added space-station-14

The intent of hardsuits from what I remember discussing over the years is that they are a sealed suit for space walks when somewhere gets breached. For certain roles, they get resistances so that they can do their job more effectively. When there is no vacuum, the hardsuit should have a steep enough downside that they aren’t worn when there isn’t a breach.

For engineers, we have the singularity, which emits radiation and so they get radiation resistance and any related resistances so that they can do their job. Not having shock resistance when we have the tesla now is an oversight, so it should probably be added. But for anything else it’s unnecessary for being an engineering hardsuit.

Atmos would be the ones going into places where atmos is hot or cold and either dragging equipment in to fix it or spacing the room so that they can refill it later.

The current blunt, piercing, and slash resistances for the engineering hardsuits seem more like stuff to fit lore wise with it being a “hard” suit in comparison to a “soft” suit where there are no rigid plates.

The other ones are harder to balance because they’re mostly combat roles.

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engis have insuls so hardsuit having shock resistance would be irrelevant

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