Having to spend time searching for the server shouldn’t be a thing.
Have a sec officer stand guard near it or something instead, weld the doors and block the windows. But having to try find a needle in a haystack while also not getting killed by the crew is just not fun for the antag.
If nukies declare war, the station goes and builds barricades all over the place and prepares. But if ninja gets spotted they can’t block 1 door and have someone guarding it?
Either give a pinpointer that actually works to point to it (last time I was ninja, the pinpointer was pointing to nothing, i followed it in case it was pointing to the server and just lead to empty corridor) or make it so its not allowed to hide the server outside of science part of station.
This is one of those things that should be solved mechanically, if it’s a notable problem. Make it more difficult to relocate such improtant infrastructure. Is there even a valid reason to deconstruct or unanchor an existing server?
Afaik the pinpointer should be pointing at the R&D server. If it doesn’t, that’s a bug.
As for mechanical enforcement: it might not be feasible, but something like a pathfinding algorithm (ignoring doors) could be used to ensure the R&D server is never fully blocked off, and if it is then it won’t receive points/be able to get new research. Don’t know how feasible that is.
I don’t remember the replay code, but the pinpointer was pointing to an empty corridor on the east side of the station.
Once the round ended and OOC was enabled, they revealed that it was hidden in Sec, unanchored.
I don’t know if is just some edge case bug that caused the pinpointer to point it wrong. Sorry if I can’t provide more info.
oh so when ninja faces a slight inconvience it’s powergaming and not fair, but them having long stun gloves, pretty good melee and phasing through glass isn’t?
I am still in for a change for ninja to be pacifist/no stun gloves.
Stunmeta is unfun and i keep seeing those power hungry noobs who just kill crew for no reason.
Not on MRP servers. Also role you describe already exist. It`s called thief.
Also if you remove stun-gloves. Then its just Sindicate agent who will kill\gib you so you are out of the way.
Allmost all ninja players will stun you, get what they came for and run away.
I would suggest to make gloves have charge times like EMAG. If they overused. But i never once saw a ninja kill anyone for no reason with exception of tider getting role.
i’ve seen some downright murder all command and sec for no reason one by one. really unfun to be round removed by such shitty behaviour + stop comparing thief to pacifist ninja. Both have different objectives, both have diffrent gear. If you want to generalize like that you could say every role is the same.
You are right. They do have entirely different gear. That is/should be based entirely around stealth, self-defense and escape.
The issue of the original thread points to metagaming a ninja objective, while I don’t much care for a single wall blocking off the R&D server. I care more that an entire squad of tiders, sec and random scientists will commit their entire life to defending the R&D server. A single secoff standing guard? sure.
But at some point it begins to break stick to your role rules to have an entire department standing guard mostly out of “no greentext for you” mentality.
Sure the points around Ninjas going loud goes against their expected function, but sometimes its required to make ends meet. Locking them to be entirely pacifist would deny most all of their identity (Katana, throwing stars) and instead push them even further into the stunmeta you claim is “unfun”.
If I, as a ninja, was entirely pacified, I would be running around spam stunning with my gloves and cuffing people. Removing headsets and ID’s and SHOCKER I would get the same level of “no greentext” mentality against me.
If a ninja murderhobos, they can be bwoinked for 2.9
Locking them out entirely is lame.
Yeah validhunting got to the point. I witness salvage hunting and killing(crit but died in 15-20 seconds) a cargotech for stolen ID without checking manifest on PDA.
Cargo techie was real and just wanted pink\purpleish skirt. Until i stoped them by dragging techie to maint and invisible walling it.
And then sec refused to arrest them. But still detained me for being a mime? Their reasoning was “sus”
I guess admins also noticed and thats why there are new validhiunting rules