Holo parasites, why are they so expensive and shit?

So I played a couple Holo-parasite games in my hours, but like today I played as a holo and it was shit, the AI saw me, that’s fine, but what’s not fine is that AI said they saw me as that user’s holo, which is bullshit, like yes he might of been chasing cmo, but what if he was trying to help? There were people around there wasn’t enough proof, but Nope Sec and AI didn’t care and arrested him, then took us to med to extract me, which isn’t possible, my owner let me out and said kill cmo, I was beating and beating him, but my hits were really slow? Like holo’s hits should be the same as the gloves of the northstar, but i was hitting a bit faster than a regular player. My hits were like a hit and a half in a second while norths is two and a third of a second. [Holo 1.5Hits/s, North 2.33Hits/s]

In my mind the holo should get a price decrease and up its attack speed, like its also really stupid how if my owner dies, I the holo also die, like for 14tc? Its overpriced! Syndies get 20tc and holo cost’s 14tc!!!
Like for that price I should at least be able to be revived or maybe die for a set time, not get perma killed.

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(presumably crewsimov)AI calling out a holo is very ok imo, considering that the entire point of a holo is to cause crew harm.

True, but the problem is, how can the AI know exactly who’s holo that was, like there were other people and the holo does have a 5-6 tile range so it yeah, that’s the part that I disagree.

Also a side thing, I thought about the holo having invisibility like the ninja, if used correctly it can be huge.

Noticed you leaving them/not hurting them maybe? Or just guessed and got lucky ig

Holopara are essentially armored reinforcements that can hide, can’t be shot, share your healthpool, and always have north stars. They are meant to be backup they can’t take away from you unless you are defeated completely(killed not cuffed or crit). Idk, considering its 8tc for northstars its not that bad price-wise for something that’s essentially just a version of that with more range that can save you from being taken to prison after stun.

You are most likely losing your contra anyways when you die and it’s not hidden… the other option is sec taking it in an implanter instead.

That be true for the old Holo, but now as I meantioned the speed of its hits are less and to be honest 5-6 tiles isn’t that good of an increase for 6tc.

I like the old holo than can actually kill CMO in 8 to 10 swings not 14 to 16 swings.

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