HolyLunaLux - "Rasicm/slur speech. - Called someone a "Cracker" "

Username: HolyLunaLux

Ban reason: "Rasicm/slur speech. - Called someone a "Cracker" "
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

I was a nuclear operative in the round i played and we took a while to prepare for the mission. The commander eventually called out that we were leaving and I stuck with them throughout it all. The rest of the team including the agent were split off and could not find us for whatever reason even though the commander kept calling our our location. After going loud and breaking into the caps room, most of them had already died and so did we after a few moments. In dead chat one of the operatives was mocking and belittling our commander for “Getting lost” and that it was crazy how they couldn’t “Just hold S”. I was peeved by their blaming as they were the ones who didn’t listen when our Commander first called out that we were leaving or when we were left of evac at solars. I kept telling him to just learn to listen to the commander, not split up and to “Grow up”. I got ticked off at their behaviour when they kept whining and used a derogatory term which led to my ban.

Reason the ban should be removed

I understand what I said is derogatory and that I used it in a derogatory manner. It was done in a heated moment as I do not go about using such language hatefully in any other setting, I can promise that this wont happen again if I am allowed to still keep playing. I would like to be unbanned in order to still be able to play again, this was a moment of weakness at best and I believe it can be prevented in the future after this incident.

Alternate Accounts


Alright, lifting the ban. Don’t do it again.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

Thanks, much love man.