HonkHonkler Ban Appeal -Banned for a Joke

Username: HonkHonkler

Character name: was in between rounds

Date of Ban: 6/16/22 11:20 EST Duration: 3 Days

Reason for Ban: “Incredibly shit humor”

Server: Lizard Den

Your side of the story: I said “I love bagels (Jewish women)” and “milkers” which is non-derrogatory and not in violation of the rules. Others were making similar comments, in no way being anti-semetic. Admittedly, I have caused trouble in the past, but this ban is unfair as I did nothing to disrupt a round or offend other players. If there are rules that are going to be enforced, they should be listed on the rule page both on the server and on the wiki.

Why I should be unbanned: It’s hardly fair to ban a consistent player (215 hours) for 3 days because I made a joke, especially one not in violation of the rules. I wasn’t even messaged by admins I was just banned for three days. Since I was banned for “incredibly shit humor” I believe you know I was not engaging in hate speech or bigotry. I can only conclude that one of the admins got mad because I made a joke they didn’t like and banned me unjustly. If there is some rule against what I said, I would appreciate someone at least taking the time to explain it before banning me. Making a joke, even in subjectively poor taste, is not ban-worthy. 

Anything Else We Should Know: Additionally, I’ve been harrassed by admins for other “violations” that are not explicitly listed in the rules and have been targeted numerous times for this. For example, using celebrity names as my character name just yesterday. No one had a problem when I was JFK, Gerald Ford, or other notable figures in American history, but the second I play as Donald Trump I get AHelped. This is also not against the listed rules but admins are seemingly making rules up as they go and are punishing me because they don’t like me or have a political affiliation, not because I violated the rules. Again, if that is the threshold for rule violations, it would make everyone better off if you could update the rules list. I understand that names are somewhat at admin discretion, but I bring this up in the hopes that the rules will be made clearer. 

> If there are rules that are going to be enforced, they should be listed on the rule page both on the server and on the wiki.

Rule 0. Admins can disregard any and all of these rules if they deem it in the best interest of the current round, server, and/or community at large. They will of course be held fully accountable for their actions if they exercise this privilege.

Rule 7. Hate speech, slurs and bigotry are not allowed.

  • Intentionally seeking to demean others due to their actual or perceived race, sex, gender, orientation or the like is not tolerated.

> this ban is unfair

> I can only conclude that one of the admins got mad

> hardly fair to ban

> I’ve been harrassed by admins

> have been targeted numerous times

> using celebrity names as my character name just yesterday. No one had a problem when I was JFK, Gerald Ford, or other notable figures in American history, but the second I play as Donald Trump I get AHelped. This is also not against the listed rules

Rule 3. These servers are “Low Roleplay”, meaning that while you don’t need to be perfectly in character, basic roleplaying standards like not using emoji/emoticons or textspeak (:), :D, xD, lol, etc.) in speech, and using real names for characters, are expected to be followed.

>admins are seemingly making rules up as they go and are punishing me because they don’t like me or have a political affiliation


Sorry, I had to try and read your appeal in between your admin rants.

Considering your persecution complex and the fact this is just a post for you to complain you don’t seem suitable to come back at this stage.

Also adding on to this that you directly messaged online admins to come deal with your appeal quickly right after you posted this. That’s not ok conduct. Our team is entirely volunteer and we take the time to discuss appeals internally. If you do appeal again at some point do NOT harass admins to process it before we are ready to do so.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals