This is probably incredibly cope, however, hot take: other antags should not exist on a round of nukies. Sleeper agenets and thiefs shouldn’t exist on nukies. We are already at war, we don’t need more antags sabotaging crew. If anything, sometimes, they come off as “shitters” and just take away from crew’s power to fight nukies.
I think thieves can certainly be an interesting addition, either trying to sell out the station or survive amongst the crew.
I’m not sure how nukie+sleeper rounds play out, so I won’t say that’s a good idea for the game as-is, but I see the potential there for a good story. So I would hope it’s preserved in some form.
What about giving all other antags a goal of not letting the nukes blow? (Have that be on all rounds to avoid spoilers)
Then antags have motivation to help stop the nukes.
Almost all antags have an escape alive objective, which is definitely at odds with getting nuked.
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