How do I delete this

Username: Nox38

Banned Roles: HOS, Warden, Security Officer, Detective

Ban reason: Not whitelisted: you are not allowed to join this server.
Length of ban: Dewhitelist + 3 day role ban
Ban Issue:
What I was banned for is not against the rules

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

In round 72126, I was playing as warden. I was very busy when the victim was dragged into the brig, and I got a quick summary of their crimes from the arresting officer before leaving for 4 minutes to release a different prisoner and talk to someone at the front desk. Ideally I should have finished sentencing them before doing anything else, but I was overworked and not thinking fully clearly and did not want to leave someone in after their timer had expired. Also, I always subtract the time someone spends in security unsentenced from their timer, so it would not have mattered. After releasing the prisoner who had finished their time, and quickly listening to someone who wanted to talk to me at the front desk, I returned to the victim and sentenced them to perma.

Reason the ban should be removed

I believe the wording I used during the case is misleading, and part of why I was banned. The victim seemed to think I was going harder on them because they had attacked the HOP, but I just reacted to learning that because I had been trying to figure out who did it, and was surprised.

I will address each point that the admins made while talking to me about the sentence:
“The judgement came from interpretation of space law, and application thereof. Jumping straight to perma, maximum sentencing, not setting timers for the cells - All were considered on this judgement.” - Reisama
Processing prisioners can take several minutes, especially if you have other duties to attend to first. It is not unusual for a prisoner to wait 3-6 minutes for processing during a busy time, and there is no harm done to them assuming the warden correctly removes the processing time from the final sentence. I did not ask the officer to place them in a cell before I could sentence them, and I don’t feel it is fair to say that I didn’t set cell timers when I wasn’t available during the time they spent without a timer.
The other argument is that I broke space law by placing them in perma. Their crimes were secure trespass (10m max), attempted murder (15m max), and syndicate contra (10m max) which makes perma fully legal. I believe that my minimal communication with other officers or the inmate about the sentence is what made the admins believe that I was not fully thinking through the sentence or was trying to max their punishment, but that was just because I was very busy and did not have time to stop and chat about it.

My problem is not with the role ban (though I think its unfair, I can live with it), but the dewhitelist from salamander. Over the last two months this server and community and the friends I have made on it have kept me happy and safe during a really rough time for me. I had a earlier warning a while ago for a rule violation I was at fault for (trit flooding evac as thief), but my playtime on the game has doubled from 200 to 500 hours since then and I have learned a lot, so I do not think its fair to ban me because of the earlier incident. I would happily accept absolutely any punishment besides being perma banned from salamander.

Alternate Accounts

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(post deleted by author)

(post deleted by author)

Added appeal-role-ban and removed appeal-server-ban

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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