How spaghetii is the code right now?

please rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how sphaetified is the code?
just curious

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An unethical amount of time was spent making the code less spaghetti, it’s quite clean and easy to work with (2/10)

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IMO depends on what file/feature you go to, in total I’m giving it a 3/10 most of what I read is pretty clean and understandable.

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Yeah, some systems like chat code are in need of a complete refactor, but overall the codebase is pretty well-organized and easy to get into for new contributors. Especially considering that a lot new stuff can be implemented using only yaml. 3/10

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I’d say it varies a lot depending on which parts of the code you’re looking at. Over all, maybe a 4/10. It’s not that bad by C# standards I think.

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