No I don’t want to manually control every individual finger my character has.
Shooting a gun is reaching levels of stupid. Make the character decide when to toggle gunbolt automatically when needed. There’s no reason certain people should have an ingame advantage because they have better binds or use macros for shotguns.
LEFT CLICK = FIRE easy stuff please God I’m gonna scream
The fact that a bolt mechanic of all things was implemented is bewildering. And sometimes it feels like it does not even work properly on some of the guns. Sometimes I bolt my pistol and one bullet just spontaneously flies out of the chamber which has me go GUH
Or you pick up a SMG and it bolts but has no shot in the chamber, so how do you fix it? Left click the gun? No. Unbolt then left click? No. Unbolt, then bolt, then cycle a round into the chamber by left clicking it before being able to finally just go attack mode and shoot? That suddenly fucking does it.
Next up all the shotguns that used to be pump action before now suddenly are not. This is another buff to security in the arms race of nukie vs station as this used to be the advantage of the Bulldog. A mag fed bullet hose that was far superior to the station’s shotguns. Now the only advantages are the higher ammo capacity, slightly faster firing rate (not even sure if it actually does fire faster than the Enforcer but I will hopefully assume that it does) and the faster reload.
Yeah, demanding things to be implemented by a team of volunteers is a bit much.
But sometimes you just get changes or additions to the game that seem like nobody wanted them and in those cases I think fair criticism is absolutely justified and should be brought up. The best reaction I have seen in regards to gun bolts, both IC and OOC, was a “it’s cool, I guess”.
Cyborgs? Universally loved. TEG? People are hyped. Gun bolts? Reactions range between mild to straight up hated.
Gunbolts fucking rock and it’s a genuine 100% skill issue if you cannot learn how to use them in 5 minutes. You can take our your Cobra, press the bolt and make an audible gun sound without having to arbitrarily cycle a round and say “Any last words?” before killing someone. Genuinely game-changing in terms of antag RP, but this fits in with other shooters where you need to rack a round after fully emptying a clip, this usually extends animations slightly - but that extra second can be the difference between life or death. It’s no different here.
Not meant as an insult but rather a fact. You might be the most obnoxiously skilled player in all of SS14. Some would call you sweaty. So of course an extra button to press, another hotkey to memorize and an extra hurdle is right up your alley. They could add a whole dozen mandatory hotkeys to gun mechanics and you might end up loving them all.
But most people wanna just play funny hahah spessmen without having to worry about extremely minor things such as “did I close the bolt after I last reloaded this gun?”
Surgery and gun bolts are two completely different areas of the game and have nothing to do with one another, though I get the point you are trying to make. Surgery update might introduce a dozen new ways to be harmed, wounded, crippled and more upon release and consequently a dozen more techniques a proficient medic will have to know to be good at their job and be able to tackle any situation.
The main point here is that this thread is about an extra mechanic that feels quite unnecessary. Surgery is a long anticipated and welcome addition to the game.
gun bolts and the mechanics that come with them are perfectly fine to apply to guns as it enables there to be more ways a gun can be different from another besides usual stats and requires more attention to be paid when handling a firearm, as it should be, instead of just insert mag bang