SS14 account: Greggo
Character name: Dale Dingle
Type of Ban: Game Ban
Date of Ban and Duration: 08Aug/ 2 days
Reason for Ban: Spamming Obscenities in Chat
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Your side of the story: I went down stairs to stuff my face and when I came back after my game was loading he game had already ended. My autism took hold of me and I copy and pasted “Cock” about 7-9 times into chat assuming it would blend into the post round feed that goes at lightning speed. (It did not)
Why you think you should be unbanned: SS14 is like crack and I need my fix.
Also, hell no my ban wasn’t unfair. Spamming like that pisses me off when its not me.
Anything else we should know: Nothing really, I enjoy SS14 and I believe I contribute to the shift in a positive or very negative way whenever I am active. It was a dumb thing to do and I will uphold my part in keeping the game a spammed obscenity free environment for my fellow gammers.
I think you said it best yourself:
16 hours ago, Greggo said:
Why you think you should be unbanned:
Also, hell no my ban wasn’t unfair. Spamming like that pisses me off when its not me.
You can afford to wait one more day. Wizard’s Den servers are not the only SS14 servers. Denied.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals