I messed up

SS14 account: AZHaste
Character name: Tim J Spaghetti
Type of Ban: Game ban.
Date of Ban and Duration: banned on either 8/1/2022 or 8/2/2022, ban lasts until Tuesday, August 9, 2022 7:28 AM UTC.
Reason for Ban: Official reason for the ban, as stated on the ban screen.
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard.
Your side of the story: I was bored and had to go so for some reason I threw a mini bomb near the nukie shuttles AME and planted c4 on a reinforced wall outside of the shuttle. I don’t know if it damaged the AME but I feel like it would have only damaged the floor or destroyed one or both of the SMES.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I understand what I have done and feel bad for my actions. I promise to never do this again. I feel like the ban wasn’t unfair but a little long for the things I did.
Anything else we should know: No.

Reason for Ban: Bombing parts of the nukie shuttle when i had to leave.

4 hours ago, AZHaste said:

I don’t know if it damaged the AME but I feel like it would have only damaged the floor or destroyed one or both of the SMES.

Why does this diminish the fact that you crippled the other nukies for no reason? If you have to go, leave. Or better yet, don’t ready up in the first place.

I’m the banning admin. Cherry on top was you also injected yourself with holoparasite too and spaced yourself so I had to get on as their ghost role was no longer usable.

To metalgearsloth, I injected myself because I did not realize the time and thought it was still 12:00 and not 2:00. if I remembered to look at the time, I would have never injected myself. And to stealth16, the power was still on when I left, one of the two bombs I placed was on a reinforced wall that I doubt destroyed the wall, and also the nukies took like 15 minutes till they wanted to use the nukie shuttle so I wouldn’t have known not to ready up. I never even expected me to get nukie because I usually either get syndicate or nothing. and I doubt it crippled them seeing how power was on, and it probably just blew up the flooring, possibly spacing the power area and/or possibly damaging a few wires that could be fixed easily.

2 hours ago, AZHaste said:

To metalgearsloth, I injected myself because I did not realize the time and thought it was still 12:00 and not 2:00. if I remembered to look at the time, I would have never injected myself. And to stealth16, the power was still on when I left, one of the two bombs I placed was on a reinforced wall that I doubt destroyed the wall, and also the nukies took like 15 minutes till they wanted to use the nukie shuttle so I wouldn’t have known not to ready up. I never even expected me to get nukie because I usually either get syndicate or nothing. and I doubt it crippled them seeing how power was on, and it probably just blew up the flooring, possibly spacing the power area and/or possibly damaging a few wires that could be fixed easily.

I don’t think that you understand what the problem here is.

You made the decision to leave in the round, which is perfectly fine. But you chose, rather than leaving quietly, to blow up multiple parts of the nukie ship, inject yourself with a holo, and space yourself. You intentionally chose to cripple your teammates and grief a random player looking for a ghost role instead of just going away. I don’t care how much damage you “think” you did. You decided to make things needlessly difficult for your team for literally zero reason on your way out. You actively made the choice to troll the other players in the round and harm their experience playing the game. All things considered, I think you got off easy with a week ban.

This ban expires tomorrow and given that you have not responded I am going to close it.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals