I might just be a total lobotomite, if so, please tell me.

been a while since hopping on to play ss14, I am met with a log in request upon opening up the game, ok, understandable, its been a while since I played, I enter all my log in details (username and password), but then I am met with a message saying “error connecting to authentication server, an error occurred while sending the request” and i just press ok and there I am, still on the log in menu. help, I’m dumb with stuff like this.

Have you tried deleting your launcher and downloading a new one? That’s the first thing I’d try.

Ok I will try that then.

Ok I have tried that, even tried making new account to log in (named “newaccountcauseoldonebroke”) and it still says the fucking error shit, help

enable launcher logs (if possible) and send the error

I cannot even go into SS14 settings cause I cannot even go past the log in screen, and I brought this to the discords “help” chat already and admins said the problem was with my fucking internet, even though I can play literally every other multiplayer game just fine noooooo SS14 doesn’t work though, fucking spaghetti code. Can’t even play a fucking game, can’t have shit in space Detroit.

Thanks anyway guys.

no logs