I screwed up (Chetmasterson)

SS14 account: Chetmasterson
Byond account: Chetmasterson
Character name: I forget…
When was the ban: about 2-3 weeks ago
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard??
Your side of the story:  I screwed up! School was ramping up, and I was getting increasingly stressed, so like an idiot I took my stress out by being a douchebag in ss13. This meant that I was always self antagging and treating the game like my own little playground to let off steam. The admins were fair in banning me, as I was breaking the rules. 
Why you think you should be unbanned: I have a lot of experience in SS13, and I’m hoping that when I come back I can help teach the game to newer players. I wanna do something to make up for how I acted.
Anything else we should know:  I’m out of school now, there’s less stress in my life, I don’t wanna dick around for laughs I just wanna do my job in the game. When school starts back up, I’m gonna ask for a ban until it’s other, since I realize a) I can’t trust myself not to play this game and b) It’ll help me with school

Lowering your ban to expire 12 days from now. While being apologetic is good, the excuse of being stressed in school will not help you a second time if you reoffend.

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