I was banned for "ERP" during a suicide by WGW

Ban reason: ERP - I read out the “Woody got Wood” copypasta a few times.
Length of ban: Permanent
Events leading to the ban: Read Woody Got Wood to get myself robusted. I know what I was doing, and I didn’t have a problem with it as we were near the end of the round anyway.
Reason the ban should be removed: Well to be quite honest, I don’t think a ban was appropriate here. Nobody bothered speaking to me before hand, it was just “BAM”. If it’s a problem, I’d have happily not odne it again. Also, I have seen other people reading it in server without issue and the only thing I see out of that is IC consequences (like using a voice changer to get your target lynched for reading it) so I’m not sure if this is a matter of consistency/personal opinion.


Either way, not happy nobody bothered to contact me and just went straight for the ban , especially since the recent messages I’d sent to the admin chat asking for advice/help had gone unanswered. Admins, please actually communicate with players if there is a problem instead of just pulling the trigger! It’s a bit of a heavy handed approach especially given it’s kind of a staple of SS13 culture. Anyway, if it’s an issue I will avoid in future. Please lift the ban. And next time, please actually speak to me first instead of going straight for the ban, it’s a little unfair. Sorry if it actually made people uncomfortable.




To be clear, I realise I’m probably a little too desensitised to this stuff, I’m sorry for making folks uncomfortable. I won’t go down that road again - I’m not defending WGW and had only read it to get killed. Most of my griping is about the lack of communication especially after only recently asking for ahelp, and also because I had seen it in the past without issue so I wasn’t clear if it counted or not. Let’s move on.

It looks like administrators have been candidly communicating with you all week. Administrators are also not online 24/7 to answer every single ahelp that comes through. 

Our rules clearly state “absolutely no sexual content, themes, ect.” and this is listed under a section that is “ZERO TOLERANCE (YOU WILL GET PERMABANNED)”. That serves as your warning, especially for copy-pasting a dead joke like WGW. If you have seen anyone else “reading it in the server” those people get the same treatment and it has been a while since I’ve seen anyone get banned for it, so I don’t think that’s accurate to begin with. You can keep your “staple of SS13 culture” back on SS13; it has always been annoying, low effort, shock value garbage that people spam to be the center of attention for five minutes.

Then you went into the discord and continued to complain about your ban despite being told multiple times by multiple people to drop the subject, until a moderator had to mute you.

50 minutes ago, lonesoldier55 said:

It looks like administrators have been candidly communicating with you all week. Administrators are also not online 24/7 to answer every single ahelp that comes through. 

Our rules clearly state “absolutely no sexual content, themes, ect.” and this is listed under a section that is “ZERO TOLERANCE (YOU WILL GET PERMABANNED)”. That serves as your warning, especially for copy-pasting a dead joke like WGW. If you have seen anyone else “reading it in the server” those people get the same treatment and it has been a while since I’ve seen anyone get banned for it, so I don’t think that’s accurate to begin with. You can keep your “staple of SS13 culture” back on SS13; it has always been annoying, low effort, shock value garbage that people spam to be the center of attention for five minutes.

Then you went into the discord and continued to complain about your ban despite being told multiple times by multiple people to drop the subject, until a moderator had to mute you.

To be clear, I’m not defending WGW and only read it to get myself killrd because I was about to finish and in a funny mood. However, I will again apologise for that. There are a few things about SS13 culture I’m glad aren’t here like thinly veiled Nazi / space racism and while I’m desensitised to it at this point I agree  WGW should probably be part of that too.

My issue was more with how the ban was just enacted with no prior conversation, it’s just something that triggers a lot of frustrationand anger in me as it’s not the way I roll personally when I’m in the admin’s chair, I’ve always seen it as heavy handed. And I’m not talking about the rest of the week, I was talking about my frustration at being banned with no communication when I had only recently reached out for advice. Having been in that position elsewhere before I get you guys have lives, not expecting a response always.

As for being muted in the discord, yeah I vented for a while, but to be fair, I had eventually diverted off and stated as much just prior to being muted. Maybe it’s how I come across, I struggle to function on the same wavelength as others and get very frustrated if I feel like I’m not conveying myself well enough to be understood 

Let’s just agree on the following, I won’t publish WGW or any other extreme /  graphic erotica going forward, and it’s not my regular modus operandi anyhow. Agreeable enough?

Also because I can’t edit my post, that includes actual ERP / graphic shit which again is not my thing so yesh. I assume that we can all agree on there in avoiding those areas?

Having to post here as it appears been banned off the discord? Had no communication here, I just noticed I’m dropped off the list just a few mins after talking about the policy on space racism.

In case it is not clear, when I was referring to the old ss13 racism I was explicitly stating it was a good thing it has been phased out here, and that “ligger” was usually just used as a thinly veiled excuse to use the hard n without l. I’m not sure why this = ban (I assume as much as I can’t join) - surely context is key here? Again I’m not sure what’s to gain out of banning me for that as I explicitly stated I’m against it (and species terms should be restricted to ingame chatter and ribbing like “screw you fleshbag” or “cmon you scaly old fool”) and that it helps deplatform nazis and kkk wannabes looking for an excuse to push horrible behaviour

I am explicitly against real world bigotry of any form including people using games as an excuse to shit on others. To the extent I have been deplatformed in other places for railing against those who would impede that (generally because I had to deal with transphobes bullying members of a community I moderated at)

I don’t think you quite get the meaning of zero-tolerance, and coming over to the discord to complain about your ban at length and then start mentioning slurs from other servers doesn’t do you any favors. It is zero tolerance, we don’t want to talk about it, we already know it exists.

Appeal again in a week. Appeal your discord ban separately if you want to appeal it.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals