Ban reason: ERP - I read out the “Woody got Wood” copypasta a few times.
Length of ban: Permanent
Events leading to the ban: Read Woody Got Wood to get myself robusted. I know what I was doing, and I didn’t have a problem with it as we were near the end of the round anyway.
Reason the ban should be removed: Well to be quite honest, I don’t think a ban was appropriate here. Nobody bothered speaking to me before hand, it was just “BAM”. If it’s a problem, I’d have happily not odne it again. Also, I have seen other people reading it in server without issue and the only thing I see out of that is IC consequences (like using a voice changer to get your target lynched for reading it) so I’m not sure if this is a matter of consistency/personal opinion.
Either way, not happy nobody bothered to contact me and just went straight for the ban , especially since the recent messages I’d sent to the admin chat asking for advice/help had gone unanswered. Admins, please actually communicate with players if there is a problem instead of just pulling the trigger! It’s a bit of a heavy handed approach especially given it’s kind of a staple of SS13 culture. Anyway, if it’s an issue I will avoid in future. Please lift the ban. And next time, please actually speak to me first instead of going straight for the ban, it’s a little unfair. Sorry if it actually made people uncomfortable.