SS14 account: BigBrother
Character name: Commissar (I guess)
Type of Ban: Permanent ban, from the server.
Date of Ban and Duration: idk
Reason for Ban: “Homophobic slurs” ???
Server you were playing on when banned: Wizard’s Den (wasn’t offline ban I guess)
Your side of the story: I have just only 16 hours in Space Station 14. Yesterday I tried to join to server after my work and I was banned cause of “Homophobic slurs”. I didn’t play game for a few months and shocked about the ban. I’m not a racist or homophobic person. Yeah I’m not a good player at all but I didn’t managed to insult. I have to tell you my friend who invited me to this game, who has my password; perhaps he did something idk. Sorry for all…
Why you think you should be unbanned: I do not insult anyone myself. I want to change my password and make meals as chef. I won’t give my password after that. Sorry for being problem and sorry who insulted from my account.
Anything else we should know: Thanks for reading. I assume my mistake about sharing pc. This won’t happen again.
Every connection you have has been made from the same machine.
Your account, your connection, your ban. The flimsy ‘It was my friend’ excuse isn’t going to fly here. Closing this appeal, feel free to re-appeal in a week.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals