Imagi - You have been banned from this role

Username: Imagi

Banned Roles: Security Department

Ban reason: You have been banned from this role
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

In the round prior I was playing HoS and I wouldn’t say I’m new to the game but I’m definitley still learning and have a lot to learn and only play HoS occasionally as a result. Like I do my best to ensure prisoners have their PDAs and timers on, but I’ve never made an announcement, changed alert level, or really even argued with Ward, Det, or Cap on their wants (A ward went off on me for this once lol). I was also fairly deep in some edibles after a long day (two jobs one emotionally taxxing and I code on the side to help my actual career), and was generally casually playing for fun.

So, with that in mind, the round directly prior to the ban a dead syndie was brought into sec with the PDA syndie uplink still open. I picked it up and started going through the store, I didn’t even know this was something possible for non-syndies to use. I figured the uplink button would be there but actual access denied. With all the slipping that goes on, especially to command, I like having magboots but unfortunately for me this round there wasn’t really any straightforward option for that. As well as my experience up to this point included command and sec brandishing e-swords or syndie gear after taking one down. In hindsight, that mostly occured during or after red alerts, however there were times in green where I would witness that. As far as I’m able to recall I’ve never seen someone state anything about rule breaking or being against the rules. I’ve also heard multiple times that Space law doesn’t apply to LRP, a notable person who said that being Littenhead, but even so I think applying Space Law is more fun and then and now I figured I was misunderstanding something about that.

I’ve read space law a couple times and have referenced it mid-round to help, I figured abusive use of the equipment would be problematic not just sheer ownership, just like any abuse of sec gear. I did buy no-slips off the syndie’s uplink. To which a couple nearby sec members must have heard the sound and started asking in LOOC if I used it and how thats against the rules. Honestly I thought they were messing with me as it’s happened before in the exact same manner. Players especially in LRP misquote Space Law and regular rules all the time for their benefit or just straight misremembering or because they’re mad about something. They tried addressing it in character as well to which I responded in-character as need to crack a few eggs to make an omlet type stuff. That’s all roleplay to disengage and get away from what I thought was what I just said. From that point to my death in round I didn’t really use it nobody tried to slip me and no combat really happened.

After throughly searching the syndie we sent them to med for revival. I got handed some syndie encryption keys and we caught someone on their radio. We confiscated an energy dagger and with the power outages and random players in and out of sec I kept it in my PDA so it wouldn’t get stolen (which has happened before) and left my pen as a decoy in the armory. I didn’t use that until the 2 minute end of round. Then the reagent slimes appeared in sci, I responded with some sec members, the no-slips might have helped then I couldn’t really see what liquids were on the ground. Cadet with me wasn’t slipping through and it seemed like he was running, doesn’t really matter, I just mean to say I didn’t abuse them. Ironically enough my gun wouldn’t fire and I just died to the swarm. I got revived later but it was evac time and everyone else secured that so I just kinda cruised to the end round, where I then did benefit from the no-slips and the energy dagger but that’s just a 2 minute have fun time as far as I’m aware.

In the next round that’s when the in-game communications from an admin came. I was still under the effects of the edibles and I was kinda just being chill and laid back about it. Didn’t really think I did anything wrong, at best I figured the people going off in OOC about HoS using syndie comms caused someone to hit me up. The whole interaction was strange, it was all leading questions the admin already knew the full answer to via logs which I was told after the fact. Which I mean I figured there were from the start but benefit of the doubt based upon how the questions were being asked. I generally tried to keep my responses composed, according to what I was being asked, and still laid back & chill; but, I didn’t realize there was an exact answer expected so I was coined a liar before I was even able to realize rules were broken. I thought the answer I gave was the same as they told me they wanted. My tomato, tomatoe statement. To which, in realizing what kind of admin interaction this was, I gave up on this being an interaction and accepted whatever the Admin was going to do what was they were going to do. I’m simply here to observe their decision.

I believe I then asked something along the lines of “Why are you asking me these questions when you already know the answer and you’re not telling me anything about it?” (It being the broader situation and what’s going on). That wasn’t responded to but questions regarding the extents of the rules were, which then I fully realized I broke rules. But, I was already coined a liar as previously mentioned, also not a conversation, so just went with the flow. Not that I was in a state to properly address anything so fair enough.

The whole status of the ban wasn’t effectively or consistently communicated either. The admin themselves said they originally wanted to warn me but after me trying to lie and “stick with the lie” they were going to raise it to a 72 hour game ban and a perma department ban. Future indications dropped the perma and changed the 72 to short. The actual ban message was something else which revealed the actual ban to be like 36 hours, and as a det main, I hoped that the perma department ban was also lowered. As it stands, doesn’t seem like it. That whole thing just confused the hell out of me and made me feel like my ignorance to these rules would have no chance to be corrected.

Reason the ban should be removed

Don’t really have a logical reason, I’m just a dude, I’m sure the community will survive and thrive with or without me. I suppose the admin’s behavior might have been too much, it did start with a warning as the intent and then their own methods led a high man to give answers that the admin thought were lies. However, thats subjective to how one likes to moderate there’s no guidebook for that. Not to mention there’s a lot of dimensions to this whole situation and more than likely everyone’s personal situations. I was high at the time. As a coder, completely understand f2p open source staffing issues across the board and the stress of all that. I guess I recognize now what the rules are and don’t plan to stray from them in the future. I’d like to have the oppurtunity to continue to learn and play some roles I enjoy on a game I enjoy. A nice glass of cognac and an nanotressen cigar while going over DNA results is a vibe!

Alternate Accounts

I don’t believe I own any other accounts.

So I’ve been playing since the ban, and it seems like if I play on a server for long enough I get unbanned from sec. But it reverts when I restart the game fully. No clue if yall intended this so I’m not touching those roles, but this ban just gets weirder and weirder lmao.

Edit: It randomly likes to ban and unban me and it varies between the servers, unsure if playtime matters. I played on US East 1, got unbanned, checked West, banned, restarted entire game checked again, both unbanned. But still banned on US East 2

Edit Again: Check again unbanned everywhere, I don’t know whats happening anymore…


This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to remove the ban.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • Best to just treat all the confiscated Syndicate gear as poison. Throw it in armory in those situations.

​​​​​​​Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.

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Thank you, I heavily appreciate the second chance, I will do that from now on.

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