I feel like making certain procedures like this painful and slightly damaging would be a good way to reinforce the idea that these are INVASIVE procedures and not to be taken lightly by security. Make it so if someone is doing an implant check on another person, it causes involuntary screaming and maybe just enough damage to put some blood on the floor. After all, you are literally poking and prodding around someones insides. But, if the person does the implant check on themselves, its much faster and doesnt cause pain.
On the same note, i think forcing a mind shield on someone should take about as long as an implant check, or maybe a tad less, and also cause pain. The key being if its being forced on someone without their consent (like when they are cuffed), their brain tried to reject the mind shield and causes great pain during the struggle. Voluntary mind shielding could still be a quick and painless option as the brain doesnt feel the need to fight it.
I feel both of these would make security think twice before jumping to these extreme measures in certain scenarios, as they are intended to be a bit of a last resort.