The main function of fultons (outside of the thief kit) is to allow salvage to drop off items without getting back on the station.
That’s a cool function and all, but having it as roundstart facilitates salvage interacting with the station less.
If it was a research item or something that they specifically had to ask science for, it would be both more valued and help drive some interaction between salvage and others.
Leave hat mail below.
Partially to get salv to come home and partually so a random tider cant just print fultons and steal the entire gravity generator if they get ahold of the autolathe.
I completely get what you mean by fultons let salv not go to the station. BUT without them it is really hard to effectively salvage wrecks, especially expeditions where you need to travel quite a ways to even get to
the dungeon, disincentivizing salvage from salvaging large machine as it requires you to drag it all the way back to the reclaimer.
While I do see and get where this is coming from, I think simply removing them just farther discourages salvage from actually doing their job and well, salvaging.
Due to this, a potentially better solution is requiring the Fulton beacon to be on the same Z-level as the object your Fultoning.
So either, (specifically for expeditions) you need to use twice the amount of fultons and have two beacons, or just travel to the station and unload there.
This would also discourage salvage from Fultoning items from space wrecks as salvage would be encouraged to place their beacon on the reclaimer instead of the station.
(Yippee, a wall of text, I hope it all makes sense)
Oh, yeah, that does seem like a more interesting solution.
Keeping the availability and usability of the fulton while trying to incentivise more desirable uses.
Though, I feel like that’s still just a bit too little in terms of pushing away from “staying in orbit”, especially if just floating in space with the magnet was to become more viable. Some kind of other limitation may be needed to further necessitate interaction.
unsure if you played before fultons were added, i don’t know the names of every single guy i’ve ever played with, but from what i recall salvage pre-fulton was even worse. not only would they never come back to the station, they would also never even drop off enough supplies for the station to sustain itself. this was also compounded by other old stuff, of course, but all this would do is apply a band-aid that would honestly just incentivize salvage to grab their spare console and chuck it into space so nobody can interrupt their powergaming.
Fultons shouldn’t be able to travel through hyperspace. Fultons only work locally. This incentivizes putting the beacon on your ship as opposed to on station.