Intothewoods - sexual language

SS14 account: intothewoods
Character name: Officer Doofy
Type of Ban: Game ban
Date of Ban and Duration: Permanent
Reason for Ban: ERP
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Your side of the story: I was RPing as a character inspired by Officer Doofy from Scary Movie, who is intellectually disabled. People really seemed to enjoy this RP. Anyway, I was stuck to the mime due to a “pull” bug where we couldn’t get unstuck, so we were bound together. I decided to run with it and make it like we became lovers, but in a way that “Officer Doofy” could understand – him getting an erection at the situation. This was a lapse in my judgment and I realized it quickly, and apologized to the admin.
Why you think you should be unbanned: A permanent ban for using the word “erect” is overtuned, and reactions by players around me indicates that my dedication to my character’s RP was appreciated by the community

“Gives them a big slobbery tard kiss”

Your ban was very clearly not just for saying “erect”. You were specifically told not to continue doing something and then you continued doing it.

Roleplaying a mentally disabled character is in bad taste.
Being sexual about it is in even worse taste.

I’m going to ask you to wait a couple weeks; denied.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Rejected to Ban Appeals