Is picking up items from maintenance powergaming?

As a security officer, I walk through maint and see budget insulated gloves. I pick them up and put them on my hands, am I powergaming?

As a clown, I walk through maint and find insulated gloves and a toolbelt, am I powergaming?

Same as above, but as a passenger or any other non engineering job.

Who is allowed to use items found in maintenance?

This is covered in the rules on the Wiki:[Powergaming]




"Do not pre-emptively rush for weapons and equipment [Powergaming]

Don’t rush for or prepare equipment unrelated to your job for no purpose other than to have it “just in case” or to

make it “for the end round” (referred to as “powergaming”).

  • A medical doctor does not need to rush insulated gloves. The Head of Personnel does not need to give themselves armory access and then go grab guns for “self defense”. Interface with the proper channels to obtain these things and only obtain them if you have an actual purpose and reason for needing them, not just because “something might happen.”
  • Do not hide known antagonist objectives or otherwise secure them with a higher amount of security then would normally be required. Do not go around collecting all of the antagonist objectives as you first order of business and hide them in the vault just to make sure nobody can get them. Unless you have a specific and direct reason to believe a certain item is being targeted, you have no reason to go put it in the highest security area possible.

MRP Amendment

When it comes down to the securing and lock down of areas and items Standard Operating Procedure is expected to be followed.

Don’t manufacture weapons, bombs, death poisons, or anything similar before you know of any threats to the station or any reason you would need them. Making things “for the end of the round” when the shuttle docks with Central Command is also forbidden."


To give you a better understanding of why a security officer having insuls from maints may be considered powergaming. 

> A security officer starts the round off, The alert is green and nothing substantial has happened. 
Whilst patrolling around they pick up and keep on them a pair of insulated gloves. 
The round has not been going on for any longer than five minutes, and there have been no threats such as shocked doors, or grille traps placed. 

This would be powergaming, as a secoff has no initial need for these gloves. they are preparing them “Just in case”

security are held to a higher standard, as are command, and would be expected to act as such.

Now had that officer previously been warned that doors were being shocked, or had been shocked by a grille trap that was placed. It becomes a “reasonable” need for these gloves. 

Clowns also fall in the “no need for insuls to perform their duties” rule of thumb, though due to the nature of the role, often have many things they probably “shouldnt” a better example would be a clown running off and trying to get Ahold of a knife at round start due to it being a viable and effective weapon for them. 

8 hours ago, RyanStrudfelt said:

This would be powergaming, as a secoff has no initial need for these gloves. they are preparing them “Just in case”

Can you explain the justification for Warden and HOS having roundstart insulated gloves as part of their wardrobe, if insulated gloves are not needed for their jobs?

It seems to be the same issue but one is arbitrarily allowed, or maybe I should ahelp their usage without reason?

The key difference there is that the Head of Security and Warden are far more likely to have someone either A: Attempt to booby-trap their doors, B: Deal with exposed electrified grilles during prison breakouts/breakins 

They are also High Value targets, and as such it is more important for them to be capable of resisting these types of threats. 

To call them powergaming for making use of round-start equipment they are provided with for their job is a moot point and something that in honesty fails to take into acount the way the rules are placed.  


On 10/25/2023 at 12:36 AM, RyanStrudfelt said:

"Do not pre-emptively rush for weapons and equipment [Powergaming]

Don’t rush for or prepare equipment unrelated to your job for no purpose other than to have it “just in case”

This would not be classified as “Rushing equipment unrelated to your job” Due to it being provided to them for their job.