Username: IskenderPasha
Ban reason: "Prostate exam roleplay. Just no. 'puts on gloves,' 'insert hand into cavity,' 'examens cavity,' 'takes hand out.'"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
What I was banned for is not against the rules
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I was playing as med doctor. There were two patient at two different times that came into med for for treatment. Had a joke with the first one, had a laugh. Than RD came in, tried to RP that joke with the prostate exam where the doctor asks if the patient feels something and says its not his wedding ring, but rather the watch on his wrist. Recommended both patients to get solid plasma as treatment, CMO recommend to the second patient to amputate below the neck. I suggested we keep the skull to put it in the skull throne of the skull god. (wh40k ref)
Reason the ban should be removed
I suspect that I was banned because the admin that banned me connected this encounter with the ban on sexual RP.
In my defense, and I dont want to sound smart or anything like that, there is nothing sexual in this. In all seriousness, I was playing a doctor and had a laugh with two patients, even CMO joked that treatment would be amputation below the neck, while I recommended both patients eat raw plasma from cargo or sci.
From my point of view there is nothing sexual in a prostate exam or a hemorrhoid check (I have been to a proctologist due to hemorrhoids, believe me there is nothing sexual in that). I did not βRPβ these two moments to tease something sexual or anything like that. My genuine intention was LRP with some laughs.
I am asking the admin to review and reconsider.
Thank you. Osborn Curry
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