it begins. a New Species to torment people for ages to come

so i decided that ive bumbled around long enough and put REAL time into working on something i decided to do for SS14 to add something NEW to play with and for people to see *CONSTANTLY*

BEHOLD! The almighty powers of someone who has too much time on their hands!

The shark species!
they have one slight downside other than being a fish (and meaning you have to be VERY careful not to call them fishsticks)
and that is because of your dorsal fin you CANNOT use backpacks or duffles. only satchels.
Oh and you’re very weak to electricity. so best not to work as an engineer. or be around cats.
i havent finished working out the whole deeper thing. ive only been working on sprites right now

Fair warning before you commit a large amount of work into this.
Roundstart / player species, such as lizards / humans. A) These need design docs. These will be scrutinized for quality. B) There’s existing species in 13 we may want to port instead C) the maintenance burden is enormous and not feasible for a lot of species.

9 minutes ago, TurboTracker said:

Fair warning before you commit a large amount of work into this.
Roundstart / player species, such as lizards / humans. A) These need design docs. These will be scrutinized for quality. B) There’s existing species in 13 we may want to port instead C) the maintenance burden is enormous and not feasible for a lot of species.

oof. thanks for the warning Turbo (i was planning on just working on the sprites and then figuring things out as i go)

Addendum: though my original plan was to just add minute markings to lizards incase a whole new species is too much. might stick to that if thats the only option.


I like the look of those - just seeing them kinda wants to make me laugh (I guess the idea of shark men to me - I studies biology - is pretty “stupid” :stuck_out_tongue: / they’re rather daft looking - in a funny way ;)  ).

Anything more happened on these, or has the design-doc hurdle put you off ? (more curious then necessarily volunteering to hop in, but I wouldn’t rule that out either :stuck_out_tongue: ).

You could add the species as something that occurs during the round, e.g. arti polymorphing

small issue (probably irrelevant)

every species in the game currently has a ‘habitable’ area. Moths in zero-g, dwarves in ROCK AND STO-- ahem… i mean salvage, reptilians in any warm spot, and dionas in any location with botany nearby

This species doesn’t really have a habitable area. The only place I could think of is that one station with the pool, but then again that’s a single place on a single map

lizard markings might be fun, cosmatic drift is a testing server with HRP, they already have a unique lizard marking so it might be a good place to start the porting if you get it as a marking rather than a species