It's been a long time, without you my friend

Ban reason: [Repeatedly having to be told to stop harassing players as a non-antag and stealing high risk objectives as a non antag (abducting Ian)]
Length of ban: [Permanent]
Events leading to the ban: [I stole Ian’s corps and mishandled the situation completely.]
Reason the ban should be removed: [I have learnt my lesson the hard way in being banned for 6 months. I should be given another chance to play on this server. I have been playing on Delta station for 6 months without a single warn.]

Thanks for your consideration.

Our sources from Delta indicate you’ve had a warning for distributing mislabeled unstable mutagen pills to the crew promising crew members superpowers just two days ago, as well as several notes and warnings throughout July. We are not interested in players who lie in their appeal. Denied.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals