JeffreyIndy - Speciesm: made a news report about the captain being a moth that could be considered speciest

Username: JeffreyIndy

Ban reason: Speciesm: made a news report about the captain being a moth that could be considered speciest
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I wanted to roleplay an unhinged conspiracy theorist reporter and was making different articles about chemicals in the water, AI conspiracy’s and stuff of that nature. I made 2 articles about the reporter being shocked that moths exist on the station, trying to frame it like its a normal thing but he is so insane he is scared of moths, even though they are normal and are fine. Here are the 2 articles I made


WAKE UP, PEOPLE! The MOTH PEOPLE are REAL and they are LIVING AMONG US! Yes, you heard that right—those mysterious, winged beings you’ve only heard about in whispers and conspiracy theories are HERE, RIGHT NOW! They blend in with us, hiding in plain sight, and they have a PLAN to TAKE OVER!

These MOTH PEOPLE are not just harmless creatures fluttering around lights—they are INTELLIGENT, STRATEGIC, and DANGEROUS! They communicate through secret signals and have infiltrated every level of our society. From the highest ranks of government to the everyday worker, NO ONE IS SAFE! The next time you see a flicker of wings in the corner of your eye, REMEMBER: it could be a MOTH PERSON watching your every move. STAY ALERT, TRUST NO ONE, and QUESTION EVERYTHING! The MOTH PEOPLE are HERE, and they are NOT going away!

And the second one:


HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, FOLKS! The unthinkable has happened—Captain Peter Louis, the very leader of Bagel Station, has been EXPOSED as a MOTH PERSON! Yes, you heard that right—our trusted captain is one of THEM, and the MOTH PEOPLE are ALREADY TAKING OVER!

This shocking revelation has sent shockwaves through the station. The MOTH PEOPLE have infiltrated every level of our society, and their leader is none other than the captain himself! They have been plotting and scheming right under our noses, using their mind control chemicals and bone-laced water to turn us into their obedient drones. The crew is in a state of PANIC, unsure of who to trust and what to believe. The MOTH PEOPLE are HERE, and they are NOT going away. STAY VIGILANT, and QUESTION EVERYTHING! The fate of Bagel Station hangs in the balance!

The admin then contacted me 10 minutes later saying this is not allowed and then I was banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

As it is an indefinite ban, at the very least I would like it to not be indefinite. I tried to work hard to not make it speciesism and make it clear that the reporter is insane. If Wizden has strong rules for this, then I understand and will accept a punishment, but I do not think an indefinite ban is fair. I want to have fun and contribute to the roleplay on this server and for the community and that’s why I was trying to make an interesting character that interacted with the rest of the crew. If it went in a direction that Wizden is not happy with then I apologize and hope my appeal is considered.

Alternate Accounts

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I’ll accept this appeal.

There is a fine line between between speicism and racism, so it’s usually best to avoid it entirely. I do not think either of these articles were meant in bad faith.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending