Job ban appel

Role(s): All the engineers jobs (CE ATMOS TECH ENGI ECT.) account name: Dean_
Length of ban:    It is appeal only. 

Events leading to the ban: This ban happened a month or two ago so i do not remember a lot the reason i took to long to weigh this was i did not know i was job banded i had just though there was a problem with my computer. Now this all started the previous shift it was cut short i think and in that shift i was a syndic atmosphere tech. in this shift where i got based i was still an atmosphere tech so after setting up air and waist was annoyed that my syndic atmosphere shift had ben cut short. so this shift i had thought to myself “you know what this shift i am goin to plasma flood.” because my prevues syndic shift was cut short my mind just kind of went “yay you where a syndic you well be ok” half forgetting i was a nonantig. so i then proved to plasma flood and was caught by sec. when the adiam asked me about it i panicked a told him it was elderly set up that way (it was not) and then well he figured out i lied pretty quick. and then i got based or a few weeks and got a job ban.
Reason the ban should be removed: I learned my lesson and i love being enginering because of how hands on it is and i well not do it ages i can’t afford to do it agin in like the 2 weeks i was banded form the game i was miserable. this is my favorite game and your server are my vavort servers so i wish i could play engineer atmosphere and ce on them again and a promise i well not do i again.

You got a note just yesterday for round stalling as an antagonist by constantly recalling the shuttle. Are you sure we can trust you to abide by other antagonist rules and the rules in general?

At the time i did not know that round staling was not allowed. When I was told it was not I stoped. I am sure you can understand that sometimes someone can miss or misunderstand a rule in the rule box. I would also like to point out that i am requesting an unban for the engi jobs with did not play a role in said incident. i would like to restate that i am in fact sorry for the recalling incident just that at the time i was did not know that it had meant round staling in that way. when i first red it i just assumed it meant to like forceful keeps the round goin via exploits or something like that or making it imposable to stop you from stalling by going where the crew could not reach you. as i said i saw the error in my ways and stoped when an adman brought it my my attention. (although i do complain that the admen went with the explosive option before giving me a chance to respond.)

I think since the behavior that got you banned from engineering involved antagonist selection (getting your round ‘cut short’ and deciding to take it out on the station the next round) and the note for the current behavior also involved your antagonist behavior (stalling the round for an unreasonable amount of time to the point an admin had to intervene because you were deadlocking the server), we’re gonna deny this appeal until you’ve had at least a week or two of decent playtime with no issues.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Ban Appeals to Game Servers