JustAnOrange - Perma for Iron Foams


SS14 account username: JustAnOrange
Ban reason: Having 3 Different Bans in 6 months (Selling the Nuke, I don’t remember, and Iron Foaming Evac)
Date of ban: 24-03-2023
Length of ban: Indefinite, removeable only via appeal
Events leading to the ban: I was a Medical Doctor, and made Iron foam grenades. I Iron foamed Sec before, and Admemes spawned 3 electrical anomalies in evac. 
Reason the ban should be removed: The third ban (The one that caused the perma-ban) Is hypocritical, Because of the prior mentioned electrical anomalies, causing more death and chaos than I could imagine doing myself. Iron foams are nothing more than an inconvenience, only taking a minute at maximum to deal with. On the other hand, spawning 3 electrical anomalies and spacing evac is NOT an inconvenience, it is a death sentence for those unfortunate souls without hardsuits. The original ban was for 720 minutes. It elevated to permanent because of my prior bans. 

I am just going to reply here instead of the three replies you put on other people’s appeals.

Don’t post on other people’s ban appeals unless you have things to add. Asking them questions or suggestions is completely unnecessary. 

Secondly, leave admining to the admins. You only see part of the story, no access to notes and previous disciplinary actions. Don’t tell people you think they should be unbanned especially since you only know the side they mentioned. 

1 hour ago, MysticPhantasm2 said:

I am just going to reply here instead of the three replies you put on other people’s appeals.

Don’t post on other people’s ban appeals unless you have things to add. Asking them questions or suggestions is completely unnecessary. 

Secondly, leave admining to the admins. You only see part of the story, no access to notes and previous disciplinary actions. Don’t tell people you think they should be unbanned especially since you only know the side they mentioned. 

Sorry! Wasn’t trying to overstep my boundaries, I probably should have realized that I was, though! You or another admin has deleted them, so no harm, no foul, I suppose. Again, sorry!

Administrator consensus is to deny this appeal. You have a very significant and recent history of notes, combined with getting three bans in as many weeks culminating in this ban. You have also displayed problematic behavior around the forums which you have already been warned for, twice now. 

Appeal again in two weeks (April 18th, 2023).

From Rejected to Ban Appeals