Ban reason: Singuloosing with prior self antag issues.
Length of ban: 2 months
Events leading to the ban:
I was an assistant for this round (arrived late to shift) and focused on becoming a fashion sensation. I needed insulated gloves to pull my style together, and tried to buy some from engineering several times but was constantly denied. I then fell into a small depression as I felt incomplete without the silly yellow gloves. Tried to fill the void with anything else I could do, like painting and soul searching in the maints. Not even the Skub helped That was until I noticed a warping effect coming from engineering. It was the Lord, The Savior. I found my purpose and decided the best course of action was to become one with the Singulo. (This was around the 20-30 minute mark I believe. )
I proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes quietly obtaining the tools and outfit needed to sneak into the PA room without being caught and arrested. I then proceeded to break into the PA room around the 1 hour mark (give or take 10 minutes), and set the level to 3. I then fled the scene because I heard a door open and thought I was gonna be beaten to death before becoming one with the lord, and quickly fled before anyone noticed and waited for the right moment to throw myself into the lord.
This never happened as the Singulo appeared to go into deep space, too far for me to reach it.
That’s when I got bwoinked by TomCruize, asking why I set the PA to level 3. I told him I worshipped the Singulo, in which he replied, “That’s not a valid reason.” This is where I got confused because a Singuloose event has occured many times due to this exact reason before without anyone being banned and responded to him with a message implying many have done this before for this reasoning and got away with it. I just waited for a response, but he didn’t say anything afterwards. Instead, a few minutes later I just received a 2 month ban as the evac shuttle was leaving.
Reason the ban should be removed:
I’d prefer a ban reduction for a week rather than a full ban appeal is that’s possible. This appeal’s also being written because of the lack of communication, and I would like some of my questions answered.
With all due respect, 2 months is heinous for something that most players are eager to perform, let alone get away with scott-free.
My reasoning for appealing the lengthy ban is because this has never been an issue to admins before.
I’m gonna be honest, I have done this before several times, as I have messed with the PA out of curiosity my first time and was not contacted by the admins then.
I have even done this before as an assistant breaking into engi to release it for the sake of stopping a zombie infection by having it swallowed by the Singulo. It didn’t work and I did more harm than good, but I was not bwoinked for that either.
There have also been several cases of non-antag engineers and other players releasing the singularity 30 minutes to an hour within the game without being bwoinked by an admin as far as I could tell.
Point is: Why is this an issue now if it wasn’t one before? Especially when damage was minimal to non-existent as far as I could tell, AME was left untouched, and the round was already coming to an end. The singularity was released around the hour mark of the shift and the shuttle was already called by that time.
Another question I have is regarding the lack of communication from TomCruize , after saying how the engineers have done this before with the reason being to worship the singulo. He did not provide a counter-argument or any respond afterwards, neither did he explain I would be banned and for how long. I was only banned at round-end.
I even tried to contact him via discord to see if I could ask a few questions before submitting an appeal, but he just didn’t want to talk.
If they would have talked to me a little more like other admins, I wouldn’t have much of a problem. But instead, there was nothing and left me with more questions than answers.