Username: Kejsarn
Ban reason: Trolling in ahelp
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I do not remember it was such a long time ago.
Reason the ban should be removed
My knowledge of most ss14 roles make me useful in not only running the station as a whole but as an asset in training new personell. I would help in streamlining the education of newcomers and at the same time enrichen the community with more good times. I can imagine that having newcomers who don’t know their way around the station is really annoying and creates friction between the departments with ahelps clogging the chat channels. Must be one of the worst parts of the job as an administrator having peoples ridicilous Ahelps to deal with. Educating these newcomers would be a way for me to make amends. And i’m very sorry for disturbing you all with my bullshit.
Have a good day, Great regards. Kejsarn