Ban reason: Self Antag, escaping custody repeatedly, arguing with admins in ahelp
Length of ban: perm
Events leading to the ban: i broke into engineering to take insulated gloves and engineering goggles, got arrested and continuously attempted to escape. after my escape i began making makeshift weapons without an in character reason. overall i was being a pain for security and other players in general
Reason the ban should be removed: my behavior was a result of a bad day and needing to blow some steam off, of course that doesnt make it acceptable to begin being annoying in game. since my ban i have been playing on other servers such as goob station and frontier because i genuinely do enjoy space station 14 and the roleplaying aspects of it. i was pushing the line with what i could consider “greytiding” and it was generally unacceptable and made the game worse, since then I have taken actions to avoid being seen as a nuisance and have thought more about how i would act “in character”. i guess i thought because it was low rp i was allowed to get away with basically anything, but i was pushing the line and i made the game worse for security, engineering, and the crew as a whole. if i am unbanned i will avoid any type of greytiding and instead focus more on roleplay by playing as security and command where i feel more obligated to make the game enjoyable for crew. i apologize to how i spoke to the admin that handled my ban and i am devoted to space station 14 and wizard den as a whole. thank you for your time
This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to remove the ban.
The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:
- Poor Attitude towards RP
- NRP behavior
In addition your MRP whitelist status has been removed.
​​​​​​​Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.
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