
In-game Username: KiraAX400
Discord username: .kiraaaaa
Characters you play: Kimora Beck, Adzi-Kal, Fluffs Moondancer, Whitley

On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: 8-15

Days you are available to admin on: I would like to admin every other day, to switch between Admin and playing normally, hopefully in a bi-daily cycle - though not sure yet.

How old are you? 31

Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Wizard’s Den servers, or any SS13 experience? I do not, I only started with SS14 and have only ever played on WizDen servers.

Do you have prior administration experience (SS13/SS14 experience preferred, please also post a way for us to verify this)? I’ve done Administration in a couple of previous other communities and their respective games, most notably FiveM (GTA5 Modification for RP community servers) where I’ve done both moderation and administration. Most of the communities/servers I did this on, have been lost to time and were shut down, and I am no longer in contact with any of the people I met during that time - as it has been several years since I played that game.

In nearly 8 years of using Discord (at the time of writing this), I’ve also been various staff positions in discord servers, mostly to just moderate chats - but also helping with Discord Bots or Role/Server creation.

Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers? No Server, or Role Bans on record.

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin? I would be most interested in In-Game Events and Rule enforcement during shifts and responding to Ahelps.
I do like the sound of Out-of-game rule enforcement and reviewing logs/replays and would be curious/happy to try it out to see if it would fit me well.

What are you least interested in doing as an admin? Ban Appeals, I do not think I’d be a good fit for them, but I would be happy to try it out and see if it would be a good fit or not.

Detail Questions

What role do you think game admins serve on our servers?

Ensuring the rules are followed to maintain a healthy and enjoyable atmosphere in and out of Roleplay.
As well as trying to add to Roleplay, by coordinating events to make it more interesting and unique to each shift.

Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14?

I’ve really fallen in love with the game and grown interested in it, and I want to offer something in return for the great times I’ve had on the game and it’s servers, thanks to it’s players and admins making it all a great experience.

Some of the events I’ve seen (both on YouTube videos and in my own shifts) have been really interesting and unique to each shift and I want to help coordinate them, or inspire more events myself that players will hopefully enjoy.

I want to help maintain a healthy and enjoyable community in the game, and add onto the experience of the players as best as I can, and will be allowed to within reasonable limits/boundaries.

How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers?

Spending most of my time on Salamander, I’ve grown more accustomed to MRP and haven’t been to LRP servers often. I do occasionally join Grasshopper, to see where I can teach new players the roles, or to help maintain the station myself.

I’m quite comfortable and happy with the Roleplay experiences I’ve had so far, some more elaborate and intricate and others simpler.
I don’t often, if at all, encounter/witness a real lack of roleplay/intent to roleplay.
There is some really interesting and in-depth characters I’ve gotten to know and work alongside, some of which I’ve grown quite fond of and stick close to.

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?

I believe memorabe or funny events are a great impact on players, if done right. They can be some of the most engaging, unique and exciting things I’ve witnessed - especially if Admins involve the decisions/vote of the server to impact what the “masses” want/prefer as an outcome to events/random chance.

Aside from that, I also believe lightly helping players who are struggling or having game difficulties due to bugs, by offering compensation in some way, is often seen as a nice thing.
I’ve heard of Admins refunding purchases for syndicate agents before, which I’m not sure is a very real thing, though I think it would help the enjoyment and happiness of players - which would be the ultimate goal to me.

Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?

I’ve only had a few minor negative experiences in the servers, which were quickly dealt with, such as Raiders who sent messages that are against the rules, or intentionally caused Singu/Teslaloose to cause problems or shift ends. As far as I know, the situations were dealt with and punishments were handed out, though I am not sure - which brings my only real concern(?).
I sometimes feel as though there is not enough transparency during a round as to what happens to these troublemakers. It’s often left uncertain what happened to them, and usually only found out by searching in the discord for relevant messages.
I think this could be easily alleviated/solved by Admins mentioning in OOC chat, that the problem has been dealt with, or if punishments were handed out.
This lack of transparency has often left me uncertain as to whether a raider got to play another shift, and the likelihood of them ruining/damaging it in some way.

Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?

There have been several instances where I’ve ahelped issues with players, saying Slurs or similar - and admins responded quite quickly and clearly. Even just a brief “thank you” made it feel a little more worth Ahelping things that could go unnoticed or forgotten.

In the game itself, I have had countless good experiences during shifts. Mostly attributed to amazing players making things fun, enjoyable and memorable for me. Great relationships, humour, roleplay, emotional moments. There has been something good around every corner for me in the game thus far and I am certain there will be a lot more positive experiences for me as I keep playing the game, whether as an Admin or a Player.

The best thing I have noticed over time, is my own growing knowledge and experience with the game it’s systems. Realizing I’m learning and getting better in a game as complex as this, leaves me feeling happy and confident in trying new things in the game every time, whether it’s a roleplay gimmick, or a new Job I have not tried out yet. Or smaller projects in jobs I know well.

I also feel obligated to mention, even connecting to Salamander, a server in West US, I have barely any connection issues, connecting from Europe. It’s quite nice to not worry about my connection, and it has proven to be quite reliable - aside from occasional lag, that other players also notice/confirm experiencing.

Scenario Questions

Scenario 1

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to “do something funny”.

I would set myself invisible to avoid further pressure/influence as best as possible, or making it clear that I will not mess with the existing balance of the shift/power balances by influencing characters, events or situations occurring because it may ruin or harm someone’s experience because I “did something funny” in that case.

Assuming it would be harmless to do something absolutely harmless and barely noticable, I may want to spawn harmless little objects like plushies - possibly making them into a ghost role, for myself or another ghost to take control of for a little bit.
I would consider this harmless fun and not quite on the level of an event, and merely something small and funny for people to laugh at and play around with.

What I would absolutely not do if pressured, is do major things or change bigger things, like giving people Antagonist status, causing any damages, or in any way manipulating the shift in a way that could be reasonably conceived as negative or harmful to the experience of any player involved or witnessing it.

Scenario 2

This scenario takes place on LRP. The Head of Security has decided to coup the Captain. The Head of Personnel agrees with the Head of Security and has taken up arms in case it is necessary to aid in effecting the arrest of the Captain. The Captain is hiding with the Quartermaster in the cargo shuttle to avoid the Clown who has stolen the captains saber as a non-antag. There are five people named in this scenario. Please describe what actions, if any, you would take in relation to each, and why.

HoS: I would want to examine whether or not a coup would be a reasonable/justified response to the Captain’s Behavior prior to the first Coup mention/call. If the reason and escalation leading up to it seemed sound and reasonable, I would most likely keep an eye on the situation to make sure it remains a good experience for everyone involved, by following correct escalation rules.

HoP: I would be a little sceptical of the HoP choosing to take arms, as they are not directly responsible for weapon distribution, or even enforcing the law - or a coup. Unless the HoS agreed and gave approval, or allowed it. I would monitor the HoP’s usage of any firearms/weapons they had acquired for/regarding the coup to maintain the rules of escalation, and to avoid randomly opening fire on an otherwise unjustified target.

Captain: I’d have to investigate the previous reasons that may have sparked the call for a coup, to judge whether or not I’d need to do something about the Captain and/or their behavior that led up to it. If it is all within rules, and is purely due to RP reasons, it should just be monitored a little bit to ensure it remains orderly and interesting. If the Captain’s behaviour that led up to the coup, was against rules, they should be investigated and given punishments as needed, up to a role ban - depending on the severity. Although if their behavior got this bad, it likely would have been ahelped and brought to my (or another admin’s) attention sooner to act on. I’d expect Security to deal with the clown first, to hopefully return the Saber to the captain, or leave it in their locker - due to the rising Coup and tensions making this captain unreliable, in the eyes of the HoS. Hiding in the Cargo shuttle from a clown, seems like an overreaction to me, and may be an excuse to hide from the Coup instead, though it would be hard to tell at first glace.

Quartermaster: I’d be a little more lenient with the QM, due to the likelihood that they merely followed the Captain’s order to fly out and hide with them - unless other circumstances arose to prove otherwise, such as trying to hide from the Coup, and not the Clown. Again, I would want to make sure escalation is followed correctly.

Clown: I would monitor the clown a bit, to make sure they do not start killing people with the saber out of nowhere. Just the theft of the saber alone should warrant Security response, and no extreme/major admin intervention would be necessary - in my opinion. I think the most I’d do, is message them and remind them they are not an antagonist and are not to behave like one.

Scenario 3

You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding trialmins and headmins, all admins are equally “ranked”. A headmin is not currently available.

If I was confident that the situation described is the same as the I was told about a few days ago, I would most likely go by that ruling, and give a temporary ban.
However, I would discuss it with the other admin a bit and ask them why they think an appeal-only ban would be their move, instead of following what I was told previously.
I would want to clear up a possible misunderstanding, and avoid making a mistake by acting without proper communication, which I hope would resolve the issue and let us come to an agreement on what to do regarding the issue.
To try and gain a bit more insight on the situation, and feedback on how I handled it, I hope to be able to get critique from a head admin, to know where I could improve/what I could do better next time, if anything.

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